The site above on NGO is much to filter. I remember elder friend's stating it was for a library card. Regardless, we aren't supposed to join YMCA for gym card either.
JoinedPosts by Stirred
APOLOGIST site addresses APOSTATE complaints
by Terry inthis is a guess on my part.
the watchtower society is using guerilla tactics to unofficially deal with apostatesthrough back channels.. .
the bibles view the primary source for this minisite.gentile times reconsidered again, this time using the bible complete article appears in appendix asetting the record straight also sourced for this website.rolf furuli professor at university of oslo who supports 607jehovahs witnesses united apologetics, etc.the watchtower society as a un ngo demolishing the conspiracy theoryjw child abuse policy exposing the myths
Freaking out a Jehovah's Witness
by jgnat inas you know, my husband has physically left the witnesses.
he nevertheless clings to many of the beliefs like a protective cloak, and every once in a while i trigger a dissonant episode where my reality clashes with his.
recently he listened in on my work research, a video of a futurist describing the a potential "disruptive change" event in the next fifteen years, as our culture shifts to autonomic (driverless) vehicles.
A couple months ago in a meeting, the speaker was speaking about the signs. I decided to look up some stats online in meeting to provide answer for my kids and I from worldly stats......i couldn't answer point I had in mind. That incident made me make note to check further And I did on one stat. I have limited time.
I appreciate the working list and find it would be even more useful if sources were quoted for reference.
First post
by thedog1 inthis is a very strange thing for me to do.
i have been an active witness for over 25 years.
i currently serve as an elder and i conduct the watchtower study.
i really appreciate your post Dog. It was a while ago but still helping others like me.
Leaving Quietly - I see myself in stage 2 and 7 right now.
i've had issues in past and recently. In past, my major initial shock was back in 2008 when I stumbled on info about NGO. I asked elder friends and they told me not to make a big deal of it as it was a library card, but the answers were hypocritical for me but I put aside my feelings for awhile with my internal feeling that the real cleansing was not 1919 but in future toward JWs for there is no way this coukd be ok.
I waited and focused on the good info...tried to apply myself to being good JW andto be awake enough about NGO to never allow myself to overemphasize org over Jesus and Bible. With latest generation "light," tithing, CO stating to stay distant from all weak ones, anuse from members in congregation, etc...I just could not take it anymore as it was...started searching.
i recently read most of Crisis of Conscience. Excellent read. I'm now reading In Search of Christian Freedom.
Metaphorically speaking, I had been okay in my mind with ordering ala carte, but could never order the whole dinner plate anymore. Stay true to your integrity and don't throw everything out in a rush. Sift, test and put aside what you know/test is bad. Keep what is good.
Protect the elderly
by defender of truth inthis weeks km is telling elders to arrange for group studies with people in local nursing homes, with instructions on how to word things when speaking to the directors etc.. they are clearly trying to get to people who may not be entirely able to think for themselves or who may lack critical thinking and yet may have money to leave to them.. what can you do?.
well, if you wanted to, write a short and simple letter or email to your local care home, perhaps directly even speak to the director yourself... warn them about the brainwashing and danger of breaking up of families etc.
the km says they should identify themselves as jw's... .
I appreciate your effort but I personally habe had to put much off right now as I have too many fires I'm dealing with.
You can put your concerns out there/here, and templates, which are helpful, but eben if no one initialky can come on board with major time dedication, you can do it if you want to. Report on your progress and that could be encouraging.
I don't understand the claim that FS slips are only proof for tax-free status...... other churches maintain tax-free status and ont need that kind of proof. JW do disaster assistance....but struggle to think of other charitable acts in community. i guess publishing articles that support community issues and offering them free is the main thing.
PEER PRESSURE!!! I gave in to Pioneering during August...I feel dirty...
by stuckinarut2 inok, i'll admit it...i am weak.... as everyone knows, the pressure to "pioneer" during "the most momentous, awesome, amazing, centenary anniversay of jesus invisble kigdom rule, & distribute tracts about a dodgy website" campaign is very strong at the moment.... also, many will have read my threads about the extreme views and expectations in our cong for "all appointed men to pioneer" etc..... every elder and ms and their families have been announced as pioneering....i mean everyone's name was read out except mine..... i was not going to do it, as i do not believe anyone should be forced...(and of course its the last thing on earth i would rather do anyway since learning ttatt).
but i am not quite ready to make the break yet, so i realised that i would stand out more if i didnt put in a form to pioneer.
yes it would make me more conspicious, and make fading harder to would bring more heat on me if i didnt pioneer.. so i gave in and submitted a form.... now, of course, i'm only going to make sure i'm seen at the key field service groups etc...but then go and do something more count blades of grass..... ahh....i feel hypocritical to myself now......
Service out of compulsion, hmmmm......reminds me of the Bible story of Jonah.
i would say that if you or others are moved to go in service/pioneer and follow through with your word (see example of Jonah) even though you did so under compulsion, then ues, your service counts. i think you'd enjoy it more if you were a "cheerful giver" but I would not discount the good vibesfrom keeping your word or honestly reassessing upfront. Your word and actions reflects who you are. Focus on being the best, true you.
If you do not go in service or report due to conscientiously objecting, as I think is my position right now, you can consider it time to refocus and clear the mind fog an all these matters. Jesus and apostles took time away from people to process, pray, find peace.
Many issues are afflicting me right now but morals and ethics are not. They are the ever-shining bright rightness in the world for me - kindness, mercy, love, truth......
This process is helping me find my voice to add to the courage I feel to say "no" and not have to explain myself to those who do not sincerely care or just want to judge and/or condemn me rather than help me.
As for integrity, I don't see logic in slamming most/all witness due to some individuals having questionable integrity. I'd say all humans have issues......and leave it at that.
PEER PRESSURE!!! I gave in to Pioneering during August...I feel dirty...
by stuckinarut2 inok, i'll admit it...i am weak.... as everyone knows, the pressure to "pioneer" during "the most momentous, awesome, amazing, centenary anniversay of jesus invisble kigdom rule, & distribute tracts about a dodgy website" campaign is very strong at the moment.... also, many will have read my threads about the extreme views and expectations in our cong for "all appointed men to pioneer" etc..... every elder and ms and their families have been announced as pioneering....i mean everyone's name was read out except mine..... i was not going to do it, as i do not believe anyone should be forced...(and of course its the last thing on earth i would rather do anyway since learning ttatt).
but i am not quite ready to make the break yet, so i realised that i would stand out more if i didnt put in a form to pioneer.
yes it would make me more conspicious, and make fading harder to would bring more heat on me if i didnt pioneer.. so i gave in and submitted a form.... now, of course, i'm only going to make sure i'm seen at the key field service groups etc...but then go and do something more count blades of grass..... ahh....i feel hypocritical to myself now......
SIR2 - Why put yourself in a position to lie? Just back out so you can have a Clearer conscience. However, if you are comfortable strategizing how to sabotage their oranizational arrangments for conducting this campaign, and putting yourslef in a position to be dishonest.....strategically, it is no one's business but yours and is between you and Jehovah.
As a still-in JW who is doubting and having issues with the hypocrits I see at the hall, and among the appointed ones, your stand reminds me of what has led me, in part, to where I am now.....seeing and or hearing about hypocrisy among the appointed - MS, Elders, Etc.
I'm having troubel with all of this myself, but for my own conscience, I cannot put myself in a position to lie. I never liked titles, so never subscribed to pursuing AP or P even if I had the hours. Now, I cannot bring myself to do any FS as I cannot make sense of where I am right now with answering certain questions if asked. I am still firm on faith in God and Jesus, but I'm seeing too much hypocrisy, legalism, ignoring of atrition rate/elderly/sick (unless they are e/e-w/ms/ms-w).
My fade strategy is not working too well. I am feel I'm being pushed to just not attend so I can avoid all the questions. I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut but I'm working on it. I am where I am and I fully embrace it for better or worse. I just don't want to be DA or DF but I will not be coerced to do FS if I am not comfortable. PERIOD.
Vindictive thoughts can be amusing sometimes, but really is doing something vindictive the morally correct thing to do? Even if you are mad, no longer believe, or confused, why add to potential internal conscience issues? Why not be true to yourself without compromising your integrity?
To clarify, it is not the placing of JW Facts with people that I oppose, it is taking territory you know you will not use or use in a way differently than you made clear your intention was. That is not being true. Why not just back out. If you want to spread JWFacts, you can do it anytime you want, with your own territory. Let them do what they want with their literature and just choose not to have a part. That is what I am doing.
Live and let live.
New Direct Donation Link on
by Stirred ini have been offline for a bit while implementing "phase move.
" i just logged into to find out times/locations for local kh to choose from (needed for phase 2 ).
after logging in, i find the usual options plus a new option i didn't know was added..... my preferences.
to 'Stuckinarut2' - he didn't say last sentence... My exaggeration. But he did say our making our full share, regular donation, mad us "right" with God even if we were not as active in service. They spent tome letting us know about how much each of us should donate ona per meeting basis to keep the amount sounding low. My notes show $10.89 per publisher (baptized or not) was required per meeting to keep up with hall's financial commitments, includong donating to HQ.
i checked put the link you SuperBoy. It is rather overt. Perhaps U.S. Version will move to homepage one day too.
New Direct Donation Link on
by Stirred ini have been offline for a bit while implementing "phase move.
" i just logged into to find out times/locations for local kh to choose from (needed for phase 2 ).
after logging in, i find the usual options plus a new option i didn't know was added..... my preferences.
The donation link is not yet on the public home page. It is only visible after logging in. I not so subtle reminder to donate if you hadn't done so at meeting, convention or assembly. Or maybe to encourage more so you can be traced as a good donor. I remember when I was first reaching my limit many months ago now when local needs talk conducter stated that our donations are as important as field service. You read it right, AS IMPORTANT as field service. He went even further to state that your donation made you "right" with God. So if you've been a slacker in other areas of service or meeting attendance, etc. you can make up for it with a big check.
New Direct Donation Link on
by Stirred ini have been offline for a bit while implementing "phase move.
" i just logged into to find out times/locations for local kh to choose from (needed for phase 2 ).
after logging in, i find the usual options plus a new option i didn't know was added..... my preferences.
Dear Stuckinarut -
i am not an elder...just plain r&f "sis" who is in midst of great change and questioning, but still believe in God and Jesus You can find this new link after you Login for general Witnipess. you will find link to login st home page. I rhink top right corner. If you have never logged in before, you can register. It allows you to find locations of meetings or conventions.....and now to donate to "mother."
Dera WT Wizard - i don't intend to use this link....ever. i agree that holding some precious metals is wise.....wiser if done many years ago as the barrier to enter is quite high now. I think all should avoid debt anywhere if possible. I bet soon we may see PayPal offered as another option.