All the secret ways sound right but we foreign nationals were told to not handle any chinese directly other than very light seeds.... All potential leads were to be forwarded to the local chinese group that we were to have no direct contact with so that if questioned, we could not point them out or possibly lead them to trouble just by our implied association. Many were being followed and tapped so criptic messages amd phone calls were normal. I was given a few lines to practice, but since my chinese was not good, I was to be especially careful. My focus was foreigners working in China.
I reported to branch in HK to meet and get the literature that I would smuggle. Quite a story but will save for another time.
i was given an update on the overall state of affairs in China and was given access to view the special map showing locations of all witness missionaries or groups. It was growing but at the time showed me there was a daunting task ahead, and that the end would not be so soon in order to work such territories. They explained who was directing the work on the ground ...made total sense. I worry saying more could be in any possible way a hardship to some so will leave the rest unwritten for now.
BTW, it took me two years to be approved by HQ to smuggle literature since I was a study with a uniqque position in China. I did this mission as a study and not a baptized one as it took very long for me to get past serious doubts as well as travel schedule kept me delayed.
The incredible experience where I felt recued by Jah from being found out, deported and likely job loss, pushed me to set aside my many doubts and concerns so that I finally was baptized later that year. I was removed from China work abruptly by job after first smuggling job. I hope all in the group are safe. Such sacrifices so many have made there.