So I went to another hall tonight.
I noticed that several people left before the local needs part. Hmmmm.
This hall still has a mortgage. The first thing they announced was that the WT has closed or "retired" the loan along with all kh constructions project loans worldwide due to voluntary contributions received. This was pumped up quite a bit. What bank/co will do this for your mortgage?
Next...."if we have to solicit or ask for money, then we would know that Jah has discontinued the work.....remember that statement about 125 years ago?"
Then..."25 years ago we stopped charging for literature and we are still prospering today. Ps. 127:1. If Jah isn't behind this organization, then it cannot stand."
1 Chron 29:11
Per the 1983 (9/83) letter, kh building box started. Now it has been adjusted and in order to meet these growing global building projects, and adjustment has been further made to how they would be built. We need to pool our resources worldwide. Al congregations have the opportunity to support construction projects worldwide now by the congregations offering MONTHLY contributions from KH funds. No more loans. No more need to save for remodels (only for minor repairs). We thank you for your generous support of kingdom interests.
There is a need for a great equalizing since brothers in poorer countries can use support for the building projects in their countries.
2 Cor 8:12-14
(Rather than a survey, the elders decided for the congregation that they would leave things as they were and offer a resolution). The resolution read from the platform to pay the same amount they had been for the mortgage for this purpose. The box for local KH support would now go towards local bills and the monthly donation. Excess beyond the resolution would also be sent. They went over the money very quickly and I could not understand it.
Unless those members knew what the current bills were and all the other resolutions that still must be paid (except for the mortgage - now replaced), it was way to confusing. But they quickly asked for questions then called for a vote. Since no one asked a question or voted agains (even though many didn't vote, like me as I'm not a member there) it was unanimously passed. I don't think many understood the numbers and how this would change anything. I overheard some elders say that the amount proposed was all they could do.
So....what will happen in my hall where I believe we have paid off our mortgage??
I felt like doing anything but watching this would be like swimming against current.
Quite confusing but no anger.
Thanks for your update TE. That's all for me so far too.