That is EXACTLY what my JW husband (soon to be ex) said to me last week re: blood and blood products. I did not mention it in my divorce thread, but THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW.
Having to write up my own medical directive to protect me from my own husband and his family (mine are far away) is INSANITY.
He assured me that he would be willing to "Convery my wishes to the appropriate medical personnel if I had a "Living Will" or some other sort of medical directive, but if left to make ANY decisions FOR me, he would not and could not allow any blood or blood products PERIOD".
"There are so many OTHER alternatives" he said to me verbatim.
You see, that will never fly with me, because ten years ago I was on my deathbed after a particularly traumatic birth with my son, and I needed 4 units of blood. I was given the choice of dying within a few hours if I didn't take the whole blood (HCT of 13 for us medical people...) and leaving a newborn motherless, or taking that blood, and living to raise him, and see him grow up.
I would not be here without it, plain and simple!!!
mobbie-who got to be a mommy
..and is divorcing "Da Mob" to make sure she can continue to be!