(singing..."Have yourself a merry little Christmas...."
So happy for you!!!
well after two months of silence i got a couple of phone calls from my "best jw friends".
probably motivated by november watchtower instructions, they were nice asking about a family, kids etc, and then came "the" question: when are you going back to the meetings?
i told them again reasons why not ,yet they tried to be sympathetic by warning: as long as you do not go around and bad-mouth the organization we can still be friends.
(singing..."Have yourself a merry little Christmas...."
So happy for you!!!
i enjoy swing dancing because it's very creative as a social dance.
you can learn a little or a lot, and enjoy it easily.
my parents taught me a little bit about swing dancing when i was young.
Oh Oh Oh!!! (Jumping up and down with hands in the air...) I am a dance teacher, (ballet/modern) and so of course I LOVE to dance!!!
Shera...I go to ceilis here in OR, and have done some soft shoe-it is so hard and so fun! Also Seanos (couples-set dance).
I loved swing-and especially the West coast version? Can't remember now, but loved it...
My husband and I go to contra dances and also do some Zydeco dancing...whoohoo-talk about fun music!
Oh man..I gotta get out of the studio and go dancing!!! Thanks for the great thread Bebu!
Anyone here try TANGO? The heels alone are so sexy...
hope my attachment works- i will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if i fail...i just got this in the mail .
yesterday and finally opened it today.
i did not write to them!
Amen Writer's pen! Well, it was my reinstating dubby hubby who wrote the letter, but when cornered said: "I don't even remember sending a letter..." Yeah, RIGHT...
Just wanted you all to see this little letter of mine...shall I frame it? Oh, I think I better do some research on just WHO wrote the damn thing
and be sure and give them the credit that they deserve...I am so pissed that they know who I am now-I feel the tentacles of the Borg just
reaching out to touch someone..run away mobbie! run very far away!
hope my attachment works- i will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if i fail...i just got this in the mail .
yesterday and finally opened it today.
i did not write to them!
ok...finally here it is. I just decided to go ahead and type the darn thing in since I am so : "attachment challenged"...LOL
In your letter of October 28th, 2003, you ask why our publications do not generally provide a list of the references with each article of the names of the individuals who wrote the articles.
We are glad you too the time to write to us about these matters. Unless the article is a first-person account, the names of those who do the research or participate in the actual writing of a particular article are not mentioned as no individulal is solely responsible for an article. What is published represents the viewpoint of our organization as a whole, rather than an individual. Additionally, those who write for our journals are Christian ministers who volunteer their time for this and are not interested in receiving recognition for themselves, but are dedicated to bringing praise the Author of the Bible. Additionally, we do not feel that simply giving the names and scholastic achievements of those who prepare the information is what should make it acceptable to readers. Rather, it is the content of the material and the faithful adherence to the bible that should impress the reader and convince him that the published article is reliable.
You also ask why we do not cite all the references for the source material contained in an article. While in some cases the reference is cited in the paragraph or in the footnote, this is not done in every instance because of limited space. It has been our observation that the average reader of our journals does not require such citations. For that reason, we do not clutter the magazines or our other publications with intensive footnotes of bibliographies. Of course, if individuals wish to have more information regarding a source that is quoted in our literature, they can write to us and we will be more than happy to forward not only the specifics of the source but, in most cases even a photo copy of the item.
We trust the above information will be of help to you, and we send our best wishes,
Christian Congregation of
Jehovah's Witnesses
I never sent a letter...only talked about it with JW family members...!
hope my attachment works- i will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if i fail...i just got this in the mail .
yesterday and finally opened it today.
i did not write to them!
Dear Euph-yes I scanned the letter, and tried to save into a Jpg file, and then also put into a Word document. I could not copy and paste onto the JW website or anything...I am definitely "attachment challenged"!!! LOL...Ideas???
hope my attachment works- i will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if i fail...i just got this in the mail .
yesterday and finally opened it today.
i did not write to them!
Thank you Phantom and imallgrowedup-I will keep trying! Sorry...it really is worth reading...Can I send it to one of you in a PM or e-mail?
hope my attachment works- i will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if i fail...i just got this in the mail .
yesterday and finally opened it today.
i did not write to them!
hope my attachment works- i will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if i fail...i just got this in the mail .
yesterday and finally opened it today.
i did not write to them!
Ok HELP...how do I attach this thing from "My documents"? I have tried to upload and attach and am getting nowhere...
thanks, mobbie
hope my attachment works- i will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if i fail...i just got this in the mail .
yesterday and finally opened it today.
i did not write to them!
Hope my attachment works- I will keep trying or perhaps someone can help me get this official letter posted if I fail...I just got this in the mail
yesterday and finally opened it today. I DID NOT WRITE TO THEM! I had repeatedly asked my reinstating husband
and his family about this however. Interesting....very interesting...What do you think?
I just LOVE the part where they say: " Rather, it is the content of the material and the faithful adherence to the bible that should impress the reader and convince him that the published article is reliable...
My skin is just crawling right now...
galatians opens with the direction to not listen to opposing religious views.
it goes so far as to say that even if they (ostensibly paul and his party) or an angel from heaven presents another opinion, they must refuse to listen even then condemning the messenger as an enemy.
ironically this very obstinance is condemned among the jews in the bible, when they supposedly refused to listen to the new direction from the christians,jesus and even the angels who according to the story announced this new faith's arrival.
Good thread!
Why is it that the very mind that we have been given to reason, create and learn with so easily shuts down and shuts off? I find it fascinating
that our minds seem to purposefully search out strict boundaries (i.e. religious doctrines etc.) in which to hopefully navigate life in a richer more
fulfilling way, while hopefully pleasing our "creator", "source" or whatever we are driven to please.
We were given incredible minds in which to reason, and if those minds are closed, how can we discern? How can we learn? I do not see this
pleasing God, our "creator" or our "source" or whatever it is that you happen to believe in.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot"...in like manner,
"A closed mind gathers nothing"
Just my 2cents...