Now I`ll be disfelowshiped for sure ...

by invictus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • invictus

    Well after two months of silence I got a couple of phone calls from my "best jw friends". Probably motivated by November watchtower instructions, they were nice asking about a family, kids etc, and then came "the" question: when are you going back to the meetings? I told them again reasons why not ,yet they tried to be sympathetic by warning: as long as you do not go around and bad-mouth the organization we can still be friends. They even suggested this compromise : to keep on going to the meetings, to arive just before the meetings and leave as soon as the meeting is done; that way I am free to keep my freedom to have doubts yet I would not be loosing out to receive Holy Spirit and knowledge?! I don`t know what happened to me because I started to laugh so loud my tears were coming down;I just couldn`t control myself.Somehow I managed to excuse myself and told them I will be calling later.

    Well I did call later but the conversation was like talking to a wall and expecting a response - futile.They already made their judgement that I am under Satan`s attack and he is feeding me lies,and no mater what I say they will not even think to check those information out because they do not want to fall in the same trap.I am sure that I'll be reported to the elders. My response - I put a Christmas wreath on the door - for the first time in my life!

    Whatever they decide to do I do not care - they have no authority or power over me or my family. Thankfuly our whole family got out intact,and for friends - well we`ll just have to meet new ones.

    Again I would like to thank this forum and all fine people that post - it is nice to have a place where we can find understanding and support and be able to tell our stories.


  • Mysterious

    They're so brainwashed they honestly believe that they know what's best for you, my own mother is like that. I'm glad you managed to stand up for yourself.

  • Nosferatu

    Invictus, you need to hang misletoe above your doorway. When the elders come to visit you, you have every right to kiss them.

  • unbeliever

    That's a very good attitude to have. Will you talk to them if they show up at your door? I'm all for slamming the door in their faces.

  • invictus

    Thanks for reply,


    now when I am out, it is so sad to see how self righteous they act - they have the truth, they have all the answers, they know even what other people think; really I feel sorry for them.


    If kissing would turn them into frogs then I might consider,otherwise it is a waste


    right now I am thinking of many options, but now it seems unlikely they`ll come-spies will see the wreath on the door, they`ll report that to the elders and they will just anounce that we are disfellowshiped.I don`t think they`ll talk to us.

  • Maverick

    I can see why you started to laugh! Just remember this "body of men" is nothing! They are just a bunch of guys that were told they were special by a printing company masquerading as a religion! All their knowlegde is BS, they made up. It is a work of fiction! And not good fiction at that! The only power they have is what YOU give them. So give them NOTHING! I wish you peace, Maverick

  • bebu


    How I wish I lived in Ontario right now--I think we'd be great friends! I love your response and your attitude. You're really something special!


  • patio34

    I still have trouble remembering thay they're NOT more righteous than others, and that I'm (we) are not "wicked" tho that's the way they see us!

    I remind myself that THEY do not vote, they don't help the community, they're judgemental, etc. They are definitely NOT better than everyone else. They aren't even doing the minimum in a democracy.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Whatever they decide to do I do not care - they have no authority or power over me or my family. Thankfuly our whole family got out intact,and for friends - well we`ll just have to meet new ones.


    It sounds to me like you have many blessings to count. I just tell them that I hope someday they find their wings and that they can fly free like me. Then I wish them peace.


  • jgnat
    To keep on going to the meetings, to arrive just before the meeting and leave as soon as the meeting is done; that way I am free to keep my freedom to have doubts yet I would not be losing out to receive Holy Spirit and knowledge?

    That IS funny. Are they so inbred that they think the KH is the only refreshing fount of knowledge to be found? ...and then, you are not to fellowship or speak up, just sneak out the door after you have been "refreshed"? This is so far removed from the Christian gospel of forgiveness and redemption it is ludicrous.

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