What's also interesting in the same paragraph; paragraph 9 of that article, this is what the b0rg says:
[Concerning selling health products to other JW members]: "....The couple had a right to choose for themselves whether they would follow a certain diet and take the supplements, but was it reasonable to put the unity of the congregation at risk over health care? For a time, Christians in ancient Rome had differing opinions with regard to eating certain foods and observing certain days. What advice did Paul give them? Regarding the latter, he said: “One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind.” It was important not to put a stumbling block before others.—
I find it interesting that the b0rg in a round about way is saying observing holidays or "certain days" is up to the individual. The above quote is reminiscent of the famous 2003 Awake article about piñatas in my opinion.