Hello Alchemist,
You mentioned that you, "...don't like the direction the world is going."
Did you know that we're living in the best times ever in human history? Being that you were once involved with the JWs means our world view was skewed. My world view was definitely skewed when I was a JW. The JWs teach that the world is getting worse and frankly that's not true.
Have you ever heard of the phrase, "If bleeds, it leads." This is a common saying in the news industry. Shocking news gets views. Here's an article about how the world is getting better:
Also, you mentioned people in the world are "immoral and hateful."
- First, people can be considered immoral in all aspects of society. Knowing that the governing body has taken means to cover over child molesters in the organization, would make anyone with a sensible moral compass know that this is morally wrong.
- Second, I recommend you look at types of morility and what morality truly means. Checkout this good video on morality:
- Finally, René Descartes a 1600's French philosipher once said,
"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things."
I employer you to do research into what the JWs really say and think about people who are not JWs, and whether having the idea that people deserve to be destroyed at armeggedon is a correct moral view point.