I attended a few services at the UU in town recently, and appreciate what they do in the community, and their welcoming attitude to all peoples, no matter what orientation they have in life, belief, or otherwise.
I have a very good friend who introduced me to their principles years ago on a little card she carries in her wallet. I read them and thought, "Wow, I already embrace those ideals!" Basic laws of living and cooperation, IMHO.
Last November they had a Thanksgiving dinner for those without family, older couples, and whoever wanted to attend for whatever reason, etc. As a holiday loner, I attended the dinner and had a grand time meeting new people (like a Dutch couple in their mid-80s) and feeling like part of something that day; something I haven't experienced my entire life. One void filled — check! I plan to go back this year.
The services are diverse and interesting. I haven't gone enough to figure out what kind of a spiritual connection I have there, other than just being around a group of open-minded people who can help me expand my horizons and help me drop some of the JW baggage I carry. I always feel funny when churches have the few minutes of "say hello and shake your neighbor's hand" thing... because of my introversion and it feels forced. Anyway, different strokes...
As I grow I'm becoming more open to these experiences. I'll enjoy attending again... it's hard getting out of bed on a Sunday morning when you *don't have to*. 25 years of mandatory 3 meetings a week as a JW will do that to you.
You can always visit just to check it out. YMMV.