This is my first post on here so bear with me. Currently I am still an active JW with serious questions about the JW org. I was hesitant signing up but really need as much input from the people on this forum to get a clear understanding on things. I would appreciate the replies to this topic be made without cursing or sarcastic comments.
It is just when I see many (not all) posters and ex JW’s curse, I wonder is this how I am going to end up like after I leave.
Ok JWIQ, I have something else I'd like to address, to get away from the whole gay topic.
You seem to be very concerned about cursing. You don't want people responding to your post to curse and your worry that you'll start cursing if you leave the JWs. Have you considered why you feel so strongly about cursing?
I'm assuming that when you say cursing you don't mean the old style "May your houses burn and your cattle die horribly" curse, but rather swearing; Using "bad" words.
Have you considered why bad words are bad? I don't mean because of the way they show laziness of thought, a carelessness in speaking, but why those specific words are bad.
If you take the big 3. To protect your eyes I'll call them F, C and S. One describes a perfectly normal activity, one describes a perfectly normal body part and one is a byproduct of eating. Why is that bad? In fact there are plenty of words which describe exactly the same things: Intercourse, Vjajay, Poo, which are perfectly fine. Why?
I have a theory... :)
You see all of the "bad" words are Anglo-Saxon in origin. in 1066 the Normans invaded England and stamped their tyrannical boots over everything, including the language. Anglo-Saxon became synonymous with low-born, common peasant behaviour.
My theory is that this modern day attitude towards these words is related directly to that tyrannical invasion almost 1,000 years ago and, furthermore, any true son of England should use these words with pride! :)
What do you think?