See here, to find that many have Adonai here
in genesis 18:27 it says:.
but abraham again responded: “please, here i have presumed to speak to jehovah, whereas i am dust and ashes.. but when referencing the interlinear translation of the old testament, it clearly uses the hebrew word “adonai” instead of “yahweh” in this verse.
was abraham referring to god as “lord” in this verse?.
See here, to find that many have Adonai here
latest advice for jw parents: if your kids get disfellowshipped, fight the urge to blame yourself.
yes, great advice.
if your clueless, underage child is struggling in life, don't blame yourself, stop thinking about it and move on.
If only the WT would suggest to read verse 10 as well as verse 11 is a logical followup sentence:
For they disciplined us for a short time according to what seemed good to them, but he does so for our benefit so that we may partake of his holiness
So, all those who return after being DF'ed, can now partake?
i think jesus christ was the most influential person in history.
of course some people think he never really existed but everyone has an opinion.
who do you think made the most influence on you?.
Hmm....Bill Gates for MS DOS and on development of PC's, Alexander Graham Bell for the telephone, Thomas Wedgwood for Photography, Alon Cohen for Voice over IP (using internet to make calls), Martin Cooper for handheld mobile phones....Pasteur for pasteurization and many more individuals that have initiated some key invention or development that proved to impact our lives.
Jesus did not start a religion. Christianity is one of the religions that indeed made an influence on people. As such, I believe the "invention" of religion has a great impact on people.
hello, my elder cousin from brazil wouldn’t believe they asked for rv’s here in the us.
i’ve been out for 20 years and i’m soft shunned by my family.
now my mom got sick and they are all trying to talk me into going back(no way on earth) and they keep on telling me how close armageddon is 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ i was watching kim and mikey and they mentioned the rv’s for lodging the ramapo workers.
I do not see WT mentioned on the site. Many other religions though.
you have those moments where you sit and think, how is it possible...... governments (local, regional or federal level) and political leaders in general are receiving their right to govern or lead from the people (with exception of some countries like north korea and china).
if the people are not satisfied anymore (due to corruption, lies, baseless promises etc), they will act to initiate change.
this can lead, in more extreme situations, to a revolution.
You have those moments where you sit and think, how is it possible.....
Governments (local, regional or federal level) and political leaders in general are receiving their right to govern or lead from the people (with exception of some countries like North Korea and China). If the people are not satisfied anymore (due to corruption, lies, baseless promises etc), they will act to initiate change. This can lead, in more extreme situations, to a revolution. In all cases, the people will have a clear opinion about their government and political leaders about how they perform and will make clear what the failures or shortcomings are, i.e. on how the government deals with criminals, murderers, health care, education etc.
How different with religious people. Regardless the ongoing sufferings, never will a believer blame the god they worship. I assume that in about all religions, there is an almighty deity. But none of those deities have intervened in order to prevent war, prevent crime, provide health services to all, food to all etc.
People expect governments to do all these things and if they don't or not sufficiently, people will complain and demand change.
But for believers, it is all fine what their deity is doing or not doing. It is, as I see, a blind faith.
Sometimes I don't get it.....
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
A day for a year or a year for a day.....all in all, what does it care, people still suffer, get hurt, abused, raped, shot or starve...... despite their prayers.
i was raised as a jw and left the group as many of the teachings don’t align with my core values.
now, forward almost 10 years, my wife and i are raising our kids through puberty and i have to admit, this challenge is not easy and seems to be even more difficult in that my own upbringing was very different.
i find it hard to compare how i was raised with what i now must do for my own kids.
Raising children can be a challenge for many parents. Humans are individuals and what works on one child does not mean it works the same way on the other. In most religion, there is no room for individual personalities. So, religion will work fine for some, but not for others.
If we split the bible from religion, I can see there are some valuable suggestions in the bible. As there are valuable suggestions in other books outside the bible.
My view is: if in the end the outcome is not (exactly) what you hoped for but you did all you could, you will find peace with it. But if the outcome is not (exactly) what you hoped for, but most of the input into the upbringing came from other sources than yourself, you would feel a lot worse.
Like in everything, everyone should control his/her own life and avoid (or limit) elements that want to control your life.
the manual is 32 pages long.. 2021-june-covid-instruction-manual.
direction related to covid-19 pandemic for bodies of eldersjune, 2021this document contains instructions related to the covid-19 pandemic for elders in the spain branch territory only and is an update to all previous guidelines received.this is confidential and should not be distributed to others.
̶ titus 1:8english and spanishzipped folder: or.
hahaha "“amazing” governing body? 😯 Wtf
I thought it was a nice way express my sarcasm ....
the manual is 32 pages long.. 2021-june-covid-instruction-manual.
direction related to covid-19 pandemic for bodies of eldersjune, 2021this document contains instructions related to the covid-19 pandemic for elders in the spain branch territory only and is an update to all previous guidelines received.this is confidential and should not be distributed to others.
̶ titus 1:8english and spanishzipped folder: or.
Letter first says over 5000 died, then later is says over 8600.
CHAPTER 1 items:
Par. 12 is of interest: ... we want to be more cautious than the secular authorities and our neighbors .....
All the precautions (face covering, social distance etc) do not come from the amazing governing body but from those secular authorities who are so eager to resume activities for economic reasons.....
Par. 14 is peculiar and apparently based on old data. In The Netherlands, and various other countries, the number of infected individuals is decreasing significantly. But hey....the less contact they recommend, the better :-)
17000 deaths is about equal to the number in the Netherlands, difference being that there are over 17 million inhabitants whereas only 8 million JW's. Not a track record for which their God deserves praise I guess.
Par. 15 repeats "secular authorities who are so eager to resume activities for economic reasons"
Par. 18: in order increase the burden on sick JW's in hospitals and on their treating medical staff, they emphasize the blood position again.
Good to see that none of the popular vaccines contain blood fractions (though I believe the AstraZenica and Janssen vaccines are based on blood fractions.
Everywhere it use the word WE.....I always wonder, who the WE are....
Par 20. more or less provides the impression that if you have yourself vaccinated, you show respect for life. Allow a blood transfusion would then also be an act of love for life...
big news from israel, some previously undiscovered dead sea scrolls have been found with portions of the ot in greek.
it says the name of god is included in hebrew letters within the greek text..
"the new fragments contain verses from zechariah 8:16-17, including part of the name of god written in ancient hebrew, and verses from nahum 1:5-6, both from the biblical book of the twelve minor prophets.".
Hence whenever they read and came to the name, they pronounced instead the word Adonai (Lord) or Elohim (God). Hence in making that first translation into Greek known as the Septuagint Version (LXX) the translators followed the Hebrew custom and translated the above substitutes for God's name into their Greek version.
I now see that this statement is pure non-sense. Not pronouncing the name (as assumed it was becoming a practice) has nothing to do with how the Hebrew text (as it was WRITTEN, no how it was PRONOUNCED) into Greek. A translator would read the text and translate. The translator would find a Greek equivalent for the Hebrew words and names. So, as a Greek equivalent was to be found for each name, same would be the case for the tetragrammaton. I am sure they would be able to translate.
Also, the assumption that the name of god was not pronounced, does not mean they did not know how it should be pronounced. I hardly use swear words, but I do know how to pronounce it.