what external source from the Watchtower confirms their claim that the 2 Witnesses of Revelation are members of the Watchtower's board of directors?
The WT is the only source. As the slogan goes: Watchtower ... what else?
may 2022 study watchtower page 6, par.
5 “satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.”.
what external source from the Watchtower confirms their claim that the 2 Witnesses of Revelation are members of the Watchtower's board of directors?
The WT is the only source. As the slogan goes: Watchtower ... what else?
did anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
In WT philosophical doctrine about a resurrection, reasonably similar could be their escape car in case your loved one (or opposite) does not recognize you anymore once resurrected.
So, your former relationship(s) with those who will be resurrected, will be reasonably similar,
So much fun to look forward to.... or not
i was wondering if anyone is aware of the jw’s in general being involved financially and/or as volunteers in charity organizations?
i was a born in jw for 56 years and left in 2016. as far as i remember there was never any encouragement to help in the community in any way.
including soup kitchens, tutoring at schools, united way, etc.
Indeed, the message was always that giving to charities is like giving to wordly organisations and that is not what a JW should do.
But of course, how happy is a JW to receive the benefits from all those charities that he/she is not allowed to support.
My wife is still "in" but actually volunteered to collect donations for the brain research society for the first time in her life. I am proud of her.
how many of you missed playing sports in school?
the wt was merely trying to keep us from committing suicide.... how loving.take a look at this fear mongering :problems with sports today - g91 8/22 p. 5. .
"people used to argue that sports were of value because they built character.... such arguments sound hollow, even hypocritical.. .
Exercising sports is for a good mind and body, has nothing to do about winning. WT is all about "winning" actually as they have always claimed to be the ONLY true organisation that has God's approval (taking the no. 1 spot), and JW's are better off than "wordly people"...taking again the no. 1 spot.
Following their "advice" will create more obese people, with poor mental state.....
friendly and good gorby smiled and waved towards 2 local jw's yesterday, and they turned with an angry face their back to me.
has something changed regarding faders recently?.
Gorb, i guess it is because of the weather in NL ... gray, cold and wet...... If as a JW you lost your hope but are stuck in the religion....welll.....then they get like that.. :-)
2021-september-27-announcement-covid vaccinations.
Hypocrites, submit to the Government vaccine mandate, even when not mandated but strongly encouraged to do so? What about strong encouragement to report CSA cases to these same authorities?
So, a JW must obey WT and governments, no more free will.
Who can stand then?
i want to buy a copy not a copy of one but the actual copy of a 1989 jan 1st watchtower.
let me know i would like to have one to show someone i am talking to about it.
Diss JW, then why change the phrase? They changed it as it was meant to refer to the preaching work.
can you remember the last big assembly you went to ?
by big--i mean bigger than a circuit job--so--district ?
whole country at a stadium thing.. my last one was old wembley stadium uk..about 1969 ?
Don't remember but must have been the best ever
this has been widely reported by left and right wing news papers.
just food for thought..
I believe the title of this post is wrong. A flu can be as dangerous as the covid virus. In The Netherlands, over 2900 people died from flu in 2018/2019 flu season. So, people who say "just" in combination with the flu, are not aware of the dangers related to real flu (a cold is not a flu).
Covid-19 is a virus and quite contagious and yes, you can suffer when you catch it or even die. So, just as the real flu, quite dangerous for some.
People should always have a choice about what they allow to be done to their body. Nobody likes it that others, like religious leaders and alike, try to control your actions. Same as with vaccines, People are free to chose. Not all people who have not been vaccinated yet are against all vaccines. Personally I do not have faith the the vaccines currently available. Once there is a vaccine that can convince me in respect to safety etc, I might decide to allow a vaccine.
in genesis 18:27 it says:.
but abraham again responded: “please, here i have presumed to speak to jehovah, whereas i am dust and ashes.. but when referencing the interlinear translation of the old testament, it clearly uses the hebrew word “adonai” instead of “yahweh” in this verse.
was abraham referring to god as “lord” in this verse?.
See here, to find that many have Adonai here