Your data may be shared with other branches or cooperating organizations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses if necessary to satisfy your request.
Wonder what these are.....
this disclaimer appeared on my app after using their add notes function on the watchtower study section are they now tracking the app and what we add to it?
the information i add on their note section is mainly points that i can use on my videos which is really clashed as apostate material.this information is saved on my drive and not on cloud so are they installing a tracker on your system once you press accept so they can use this information against in the future?
have you had a similar experience?.
Your data may be shared with other branches or cooperating organizations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses if necessary to satisfy your request.
Wonder what these are.....
so, jw's don't celebrate christmas or other holidays.
as bill cetnar once said, there are two reasons for everything: the reason they tell you, and the real reason.
they will tell you it's because christmas is "pagan" and can lead to all sorts of licentious conduct (like drinking too much macallan scotch?)..
No Christmas, no Easter, no birthdays..... everything to be opposite of Catholics.
BTW: regarding birthdays. so-called, negative examples in the bible. But if God fearing people were not supposed to be at a birthday party, then who wrote the story and could observe and hear what happened????
the watchtower—study edition | january 2023. study article 3. jehovah is helping you to succeed.
how jehovah makes you successful.
13. does jehovah intervene in every situation we face?
Religious blindness --> change any situation into a positive act of God. Not unique to JW's. About all devote believers will see their God in everything.
In the example here, from the outside, you would say: where is the almighty God with all the powers he has? Did he prevent the boy to get sick as the family is part of God's family? Did the boy recover? And who actually tried to cure the boy? Doctors who are not JW's and had a study that the WT would not support (higher education). So, if you want to see the hand of God, you can see it in the provision of educated and devoted doctors.
seriously....this is an article on jw.borg.. really?
football - or soccer - and bible?.
these guys have really lost the plot.. i can promise you that bible does not say a flying flaming about world cup.. however, as much as people want them to, these events cannot provide lasting unity.
They (WT) only 'unite' in their organisation, everyone not in, is out and should be avoided, no social contact, no charity support.... from that perspective, I believe football or any other major sports, will unite more than when you become a JW, because the first thing you need to do is to avoid non-JW friendships and shun opposers.
"so the visible congregation of god's people has $omething to do with the provision of salvation today.
indeed, it has an important place in that provision.
- watchtower 1967 aug 15 p.499.
The main theme in all: you will keep working....everlasting work....
2022 department of children and families.. your ref.
: wbsyzk, refusal of state grants for 2021 - appeal - jehovah's witnesses,
in english and norwegian..
Money money money......
more accurately known as a reversal of a long held 'truth.'.
september 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "in the past, we understood jesus’ words to refer to the deeds the resurrected ones will practice after their resurrection; that is, some will come to life and practice good things while others will come to life and practice vile things.
If we take the bible books as real/true and inspired, then we see that death is a punishment. We all still die, though it seems Jesus paid for our sins and removed Adam's sin. Unfortunately none of us have benefitted from that deed as we all still die.
Life is precious. It is given by the creator. Jesus is positioned as THE judge and can give life. Then why do so many believers think they need religion or a religious organisation to tell them how the judgement will take place and on what grounds?
Is or will there be a resurrection? Paul said that if there is no resurrection, our work is useless. Just let 's have fun (my wording..) That same Paul never gave proof of a resurrection. It was his belief. Like many believers, it is just a belief. They justify their belief by saying that life has no meaning if there is no resurrection. For those who think like that, think about Adam and Eve. Why were they created? I dare to say that you will not find the reason in your bible. Why were animals created? You will not find the reason. In other words, there is nothing in the books, scriptures or in the creation that explains why humans, plant, animals were created. All ideas around this come from humans. People that need to find a purpose and will make one up to satisfy their search for reason/purpose.
If the creator had a purpose with human or animal life, he would have protected it. Like we would. If we have something of value, we protect it. Do we have proof that human life is protected?
If the creator wanted all creatures to know what the purpose is of their lives, would he not just made it clear somehow, clear and crisp for everyone? If governments can make it clear that all humans have to pay taxes or companies that provide same and equal instructions to buyers on how to use their products, would you not expect from a super powerful and smart creator to achieve the same thing?
If all creatures have been created, could it not be that the creator just enjoyed creating this, without any specific purpose? Just "for the fun of it" because he could do it?
has anyone heard any word on active witnesses inside the ukraine and what has been happening with them the last week or so?
i checked the official org website but there was just the expected "fulfilling bible prophecy" stuff.
perhaps someone here has bethel contacts who have leaked some info on what the gb is trying to do for these victims of putin's madness?.
The article has this:
2 publishers have died
8 publishers have been injured
25,407 publishers have fled their homes to safer areas within the country
25 homes were destroyed
59 homes sustained major damage
222 homes sustained light damage
7 Kingdom Halls were damaged
You wonder where the protection was from their God as these damages and losses are in line with damages and losses suffered by non-JW's.
may 2022 study watchtower page 6, par.
5 “satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.”.
what external source from the Watchtower confirms their claim that the 2 Witnesses of Revelation are members of the Watchtower's board of directors?
The WT is the only source. As the slogan goes: Watchtower ... what else?
did anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
In WT philosophical doctrine about a resurrection, reasonably similar could be their escape car in case your loved one (or opposite) does not recognize you anymore once resurrected.
So, your former relationship(s) with those who will be resurrected, will be reasonably similar,
So much fun to look forward to.... or not