I agree that the porn industry does not have the best reputation. However, the many industries in countries like India, China and Bangladesh or many African countries can be considered far worse in the way to make use (abuse) men, women and children to work in ugly factories, long hours, bad conditions and for hardly any money. Modern slavery. But we still buy these products, do not punish the countries and actually we all accept it. As the porn industry is now far more in the open there are more controls than before and conditions have improved.
People have their own freedom to watch erotic or porn movies, see horror movies, war movies or other explicit contents. It is up to no-one to ask you what you have or not have done. If the WT believes they have the right to intrude the privacy of your life, are they prepared to accept the same questions in return or even other questions like if they have ever been involved in child abuse, indecent behavior, have stolen something, lied to the authorities etc. All such things are not to be expected to be found among religious leaders therefore the rank and file have the right to ask these questions. Not only to those who call themselves the gb but also to those who take the lead in the congregations. See how comfortable they will be with such questions..
The fact the WT organization can permit itself to such question, shows how much control they pretend to have over the flock. It also shows that being baptized as a JW has absolutely no guarantee that the person follows the WT rules. Why else ask?? The WT does not even trust the flock. There is an expression in Dutch that says something like "the way the owner is, that is how he trusts his guests"