Millions of websites out there and the Borg thinks somehow theirs is going to change the world.
One thing i'm glad that they will not waste as much paper as they did before SAVE A TREE
what a joke the campaign is.....the sheeple are so blind.
what does this have to do with what jesus taught us to do.
i feel like i was campaigning for a politician.. next thing your going to see on the website is a donation button visible to all vistors without having to log in just bypass the middle man.
Millions of websites out there and the Borg thinks somehow theirs is going to change the world.
One thing i'm glad that they will not waste as much paper as they did before SAVE A TREE
i have sprayed, i have bug bombed, i have sprayed some more.
i threw things out i thought that they might have a nest in.
i soaked some things in hot water all day.
Fumigate the whole house
Best way to get rid of termites and cockr.
witnesses always say when a person comes into the "truth"(deception) it was because jehovah saw they had the right "heart condition".
so they're basically saying that only 7 million people on earth which is way less than 1% of the population have good hearts and are good people.
and everyone else is just evil?
It's another stupid reasoning that comes from the GB. The usual nonsense
What about the 100 of thousand that leave the org. That's right ...they were not of our sort.
They have an answer for everything.
the watchtower study to be considered this sunday, august 3, 2014 (using the magazine dated may 15, 2014), titled are you moving ahead with jehovahs organization?, in paragraph seven (on pages 27-28), talks about the number of people baptized in recent years:.
7 where do those making up the great crowd come from?
they are being brought together because of what jesus foretold as part of the sign of his presence.
Your father is going to slap you after the meeting for that comment.
this ticks me off!
last sundays watchtower talked about how organised the heavens are.
how it works so acuratley.
Anyone that believes that man has been here on earth for only 6000 years definitely has a mental problem.
Of course i was one of them for most of my life.
ok well i have updated you about the dilemma about my wife and family and more recently about the elders trying to schedule a shepherding call.. on our way back from th international convention she basically told me if i were to leave that we should go our seperate ways.. so i took a few days and thought about it.
it seems she was more mad about my waffling back and forth and going to the hall sometimes and just not making up my mind.. today i gave her a proposal- i will stop going all together unless it it an assembly or convention or memorial for her.. we will not discuss religious topics, as this is where most of our arguments have been centered around, at all.. we will support all of each others endeavors besides religious intrests.
i will talk to my family and let them know my intentions without getting into an details next month because my mother keeps calling me about it.
Hope she sees the "light".
Mine didn't.
Wish you the best for both.
ok, i'll admit it...i am weak.... as everyone knows, the pressure to "pioneer" during "the most momentous, awesome, amazing, centenary anniversay of jesus invisble kigdom rule, & distribute tracts about a dodgy website" campaign is very strong at the moment.... also, many will have read my threads about the extreme views and expectations in our cong for "all appointed men to pioneer" etc..... every elder and ms and their families have been announced as pioneering....i mean everyone's name was read out except mine..... i was not going to do it, as i do not believe anyone should be forced...(and of course its the last thing on earth i would rather do anyway since learning ttatt).
but i am not quite ready to make the break yet, so i realised that i would stand out more if i didnt put in a form to pioneer.
yes it would make me more conspicious, and make fading harder to would bring more heat on me if i didnt pioneer.. so i gave in and submitted a form.... now, of course, i'm only going to make sure i'm seen at the key field service groups etc...but then go and do something more count blades of grass..... ahh....i feel hypocritical to myself now......
You know best how to handle your situation in your congr..... fade at your own pace.
What a waste to pioneer and invite people to check a website, just as bad as inviting people to a convention 400 miles away.
so at the international convention 235 were baptized.
the attendance was 34k.
that's resents less than 1% its about .6%.
8 mil witnesses and only 250 k getting baptized a year.
As mentioned they would get those numbers in the 70s and 80s with half of the witnesses in the field.
How many leave? How many have no faith in the wat. and stay in for whatever reason?
GOOGLE is Satan and the archenemy of the watchtower. :)
so at the international convention 235 were baptized.
the attendance was 34k.
that's resents less than 1% its about .6%.
I live in Southern California, left the org. after 32 years and what i hear from some young ones that also left the org. that all of their friend that they grew up with, 90% of them have left.
Maybe it's not happening in every cong. but young ones will not stick around to worship a few guys in NY.
so at the international convention 235 were baptized.
the attendance was 34k.
that's resents less than 1% its about .6%.
The question many from the field?
Usually 95% are very young ones that get dipped because that's the thing to do.