You make good points about certain things, but you also leave out the facts that innocent children and even people who have been abused, who are now adults, tend to not have the ability to CHOOSE to escape that religion, because of not having the self-confidence to do so. Quite often these people, who lack this self-confidence, are lacking specifically because they have known nothing other than this mind-control.
When people are in an abusive relationship, they usually don't even know it. For this reason, there are safety nets for them to escape to, no questions asked. And despite the fact that some people can actually abuse this system, and my ex-wife is one of those people..... (she has gone around accusing me of sexually assaulting my children and of abusing her in every way possible..... all of them lies), but I would be the first to still say that these "safety nets" need to be there, despite that others and myself suffer.
I have also, like Corvin, through our court system, had a Judge rule that my children are not to be raised as Jehovah's Witnesses. It is through these BIG victories, that the truth eventually comes out, but prevention is still better than this cure that Corvin and I have accomplished.