I can relate to your feelings. I can understand why you've done what you did. Despite other people questioning you..... sometimes even myself............. despite being in a similar situation to yours..... I think you have fought a brave fight. I believe that you will reap the rewards that you deserve.
Just remember that a lot of people who have made a big difference in the world weren't really recognized until after the fact. A lot of other people, quite frankly quit before reaping the reward of seeing the big picture and trusting in it. There was always a lot of criticism towards these people. From my personal experience, all we can do is trust our intuitions about what is the right thing. Sometimes we even have to defy what others perceive as "normal" to accomplish what, years later, people accept as gospel.
God, (or whoever) bless you Corvin. There have been and always will be people who question your tactics. It's your drive to achieve what is good and pure that will stand above the tactics.