Very natural, I think. However, try not to let yourself get too nervous. They obviously hired you because they like you and you are qualified.
Just keep those positive thoughts going through your mind before you go in.
i am starting my new job tomorrow..and i am sooooooo nervous!!!!
is this normal??
i'm nervous that i won't be good at it and that people won't like me.. .
Very natural, I think. However, try not to let yourself get too nervous. They obviously hired you because they like you and you are qualified.
Just keep those positive thoughts going through your mind before you go in.
reading all these 1914 threads lately has made me think a lot more about my own feelings of the jw movement in the early years.
particularly how i feel they got kind of "lucky" that something big happened on whatever numbered prediction 1914 was for them.. we have all seen individuals ride out the rest of their sports, acting, etc.
careers on one big break.
Reading all these 1914 threads lately has made me think a lot more about my own feelings of the JW movement in the early years. Particularly how I feel they got kind of "lucky" that something BIG happened on whatever numbered prediction 1914 was for them.
We have all seen individuals ride out the rest of their sports, acting, etc. careers on one big break. The same can be said for organizations that promise or predict things.
My question is, how big and influential would the JW religion have become if a World War didn't start in 1914? What if that prediction slipped by and a few more slipped by, without them ever being able to say:
"See, I told you Jesus was coming back!! I know I told you he would come directly to Earth and it only happened in Heaven, when he cast Satan and his demons down to Earth, but look at what effect it had on the Earth IMMEDIATELY?!?! A World War!! Imagine how powerful a negative influence Satan is and how much we need to follow God." (later to be changed to WTBTS).
here are a few facts that i have recently discovered by doing some research.. the watchtower society uses the date of 539 b.c.e as the date that cyrus took over babylon.
they use the term "absolute date" to define this as an unquestionable point in time.
to do this they had to ignore 586 b.c.e which is the real date for the destruction of jerusalem.. therefore, if jerusalem never lay desolate for 70 years, when does this desolation and fulfillment of this prophecy take place?
Alan F,
I agree. I was kind of kidding, however I do think we could still find room in our hearts and minds for him if he does get df'd. We have so much more room in said hearts and minds now that they have become opened, since leaving the WTS.
if you click on the link below what you'll see is an aerial view of the llano cemetery, located in amarillo, texas -- the place where i'll probably be buried.
the gravestones can actually be seen.
they are the white specks, all layed out in rows.
Schizm, here's two:
Do you care more that the bodies were "buried facing east" or of the plight of the African Americans themselves?
What have I lied about?
Listen, dude. People are on to you here. You bring out an article that talks of African Americans that were not allowed to be buried with whites 200 years ago and try to make the point that the graves were facing East. I made a point, in case you didn't get it, that the important part of that article was respect for what the African Americans endured. You retorted with my quote and said that I'm having a rough time of it and thet people reap what they sow. From your other reactions, it would seem unlikely that you were not being harsh to me at the same time that you were pointing out my challenges with the inlaws. If your concern was for me and what my inlaws have put me through, why didn't you say it?
Instead, an hour later, you edited your post to suggest that you weren't refering to me reaping what I HAVE sown, but my in-laws who are going to reap what they are sowing. That doesn't make sense to me and likely not other people either.
I will stop there and give you a chance to change my mind about what I truly think was going on in your mind.
By the way, I appreciate you answering my questions on the other topic about what you accept and don't accept about the WTS. Without passing judgement I do find it interesting that you find that the 144,000 will still come from JW's but you discount some of their other "strong" beliefs. But we'll save that discussion for another day.
... on the watchtower society.
i am not one who will ever bother to waste my time heaping praise on the jw religion as though it were some kind of improvement on society.
i have no qualms in saying that it was, is, and always will be a dangerous religion ?
I have only read teejay's original post, the couple following it and I&P's last one. () I will read more tomorrow but I did want to say that I have no regrets in being raised a JW, only because I had no freakin' choice and to want to change the past would be silly and pointless. However I am also fully aware that NOT being a JW is A LOT better.
I am wise enough to realize that I cannot change my past. I take my quirky, sometimes dysfunctional JW influenced spirit and make the best of it. But I have also learned that to completely avoid abusive situations, people and organizations is a BETTER way to go.
Brad (my 2 cents so far..... )
here are a few facts that i have recently discovered by doing some research.. the watchtower society uses the date of 539 b.c.e as the date that cyrus took over babylon.
they use the term "absolute date" to define this as an unquestionable point in time.
to do this they had to ignore 586 b.c.e which is the real date for the destruction of jerusalem.. therefore, if jerusalem never lay desolate for 70 years, when does this desolation and fulfillment of this prophecy take place?
hillary_step and Alan F,
He may want to prove you guys wrong so badly that he will contact the GB to try to get an answer from them. They will then learn what he has been doing on this apostate website and will PROMPTLY disfellowship him!!!!!
If this happens, scholar, we will still take you in to comfort you.
if you click on the link below what you'll see is an aerial view of the llano cemetery, located in amarillo, texas -- the place where i'll probably be buried.
the gravestones can actually be seen.
they are the white specks, all layed out in rows.
Well Stef, to a JW I suppose that could be a compliment. I didn't think so either but what the heck. lol
It doesn't change the fact that he doesn't seem to want to answer most of the questions that have been asked of him.
if you click on the link below what you'll see is an aerial view of the llano cemetery, located in amarillo, texas -- the place where i'll probably be buried.
the gravestones can actually be seen.
they are the white specks, all layed out in rows.
You're having a rough time of it, aren't you Brad. Sometimes we have to reap what we sow, ya know?
I'm not really sure what you mean.
And she's got a ring on her ring finger.
I'm not sure about the Cheezin' 'n Squeezin'.... but how 'bout the girl in the pic?