I met a guy a few years ago who said that if he could "push a button and destroy every single Jehovah's Witness", he would. (I asked him to leave my house and come back only after he changes his viewpoint.) So, yeah, what you are saying has some credence to it. However people that go to that extreme are few and far between.
This guy was still the guy who showed me the UN scandal, the Malawi/Mexico double standard, etc. He was not all bad, although I do think he should get help with his anger/hatred. Personally, I think I was wise enough to see the facts that he presented, but also objective enough to know that his attitude was a little skewed.
I would suggest that almost all people here are of the same abilities to see the big picture as I am.
You mention about how "bashing" is a negative action. Perhaps you should begin to look at it from a more positive angle yourself. Why not encourage people to get their justified anger out in as neutral way as possible and also encourage them to build on creating a new, happier self.
IMO, most are already doing that, but a little encouragement never hurts.