Hi usualusername1 - thanks for the repost / repost
FYI the story ALSO appears in today's print version of the Daily Telegraph - I've added a scan to the above thread
JoinedPosts by darkspilver
UK Child banned from seeing JW videos
by usualusername1 inhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/11/jehovahs-witness-agrees-not-show-son-religious-cartoons-risk/.
Judge acts to limit Watchtower's influence on child.
by Lee Elder ina judge in the uk has ordered strict limits on a jw father's ability to let the watchtower indoctrinate his child.
not sure if this is precedent setting, but i think the judge is spot on.
the reasons are explained in the article.. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/11/jehovahs-witness-agrees-not-show-son-religious-cartoons-risk/.
Hi Lee Elder - thanks for the repost, good to have it in its own thread
The story also appears in today's PRINT edition of the Daily Telegraph, on page 10
I've scanned the article from the newspaper and have added it to the above thread
BTW - have you seen the leaflets produced by the UK's NHS and the World Health Organization?
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5640645551063040/_post/5634409057222656 -
REVEALED: Remarkable Activities of Unusual Religious Sect
by darkspilver ininteresting article.
3,800 words long.
so it's a 'long read'.
I thought the article used an interesting phrase - which gives an idea why people where attracted to Russell's teachings:
and like his comfortable theology, which leaves out hell,
It was picked up eight years previous when the WT first moved to Brooklyn
REVEALED: WT moves to Brooklyn
by darkspilver ininteresting articles.
approx 3,300 words.
so a long read.... .
Interesting articles. Approx 3,300 words. So a long read....
Usual caveat - just because it's in a newspaper, doesn't mean that it is accurate or correct.
BUT what is interesting is HOW it is reported and WHAT is reported (and what is left out!) - and today we have historical hindsight.
This is really a 'thematic' follow-on from this thread: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5464807023050752/revealed-remarkable-activities-unusual-religious-sect
TBH the second part below with the jelly fish is probably the most interesting....
Even before the Brooklyn Taberacle was officially opened on Sunday 31 January 1909 - the WT was using it as part of their tag-line in newspaper columnsThe Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram - Monday 4 January 1909, page 4 top
In this issue we commence a series of discourses under the caption, 'People's Pulpit. They are strictly unsectarian, and not intended to build up any one denomination at the expense of another. As Beecher and Talmage of the same 'City of Churches' were independent preachers who gave their time and strength to the moulding of public thought, 'with charity toward all and malice toward none.' so with Pastor Russell of the Brooklyn Tabernacle.
Pastor Russell's only fault (if fault it be) is his extreme Orthodoxy — his close adherence to the Bible as the inspired Word of God. But after all, if the Bible be not man's only chart and compass as respects God and the future, what have we? And if this be so perhaps it is impossible to give too earnest heed to its teachings. On one point Pastor Russell is quite emphatic, namely — he insists that it is inconsistent with reason to believe that all mankind, except the merest handful of 'saints.' were predestinated by God to eternal torment in fire, because of ignorance or unbelief. Ninety-nine of us out of every hundred reached that conclusion years ago; and it shook our faith in the Bible considerably. Pastor Russell, however, holds to the Bible tenaciously and claims to prove that on this point it has been misunderstood by many of its friends as well as by its foes. He has shown a few faulty translations, and offered preferable interpretations for some parables, and altogether he has thrown a new light on the Scriptures. His presentations of the Bible's teachings have certainly rescued many from unbelief.
Mr C T Smith, deceased, who was one of the editors of the Atlanta Constitution, paid Pastor Russell, a most pronounced compliment along this line in the following terms: "It is impossible to read his writings without loving the writer and pondering his wonderful solution of the great mysteries that have troubled us all our lives. There is hardly a family to be found that has not lost some loved one who died outside the Church — outside the plan of salvation, and, if Calvinism be true, outside of all hope and inside of eternal torment and despair. He makes no assertions that are not well sustained by the Scriptures. His argument is built up stone by stone, and upon every stone is a text, and it becomes a pyramid of God's love and mercy and wisdom. There is nothing in the Bible that the author denies or doubts, but there are many texts upon which he throws a flood of light that seems to uncover its meaning."
[sermon was printed below]
The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram, Monday 25 January 1909, page 4 top
Pastor Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle
The above is a very good portrait of Pastor Russell, who is perhaps the most widely known speaker on the American platform to-day, having spoken in nearly every large American city, as well as in many cities in Europe. Pastor Russell treats popular themes of vital importance to the thinking Christians of this our day of wonderful enlightenment. He is a stickler on the claim that the whole Bible is the inspired Word of God and has a peculiar facility in presenting Orthodox subjects in an attractive and interesting light. Brooklyn is to be congratulated on its reputation as "The City of Churches" and on its galaxy of pulpit lights, amongst whom are numbered as of the past, Beecher, Abbott and Talmage.
[sermon was printed below]
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Thursday 28 January 1909, front page - bottom halfThe Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Thursday 28 January 1909, front page - bottom half
Old Beecher Mission to Be Known as Brooklyn Tabernacle
First Services Will Be Held by Pastor Russell on Sunday Afternoon
Much interest is manifested in religious circles in the reopening of the famous old Plymouth-Bethel, at 17 Hicks Street, originally instituted by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. It was long known as one of the foremost missions in the country. It was closed about two years ago. This church building is to be now known as the Brooklyn Tabernacle and is being thoroughly refitted in every particular. The interior appointments of the large auditorium, situated on the second floor, will be especially tasty, bright and cheerful. An artistic arrangement of many Biblical texts on the large panels make an attractive feature. The pastor, C T Russell, will occupy the pulpit for the first time on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. His topic will be "Bethel: The House of God, the Gate of Heaven."
Last Sunday Mr Russell is reported to have addressed an audience of 4,600 in the Hippodrome at Cleveland, 0., and fully 600 were turned away at the doors not able to be accommodated. In his trip through England, Ireland and Scotland, last summer, he was everywhere accorded large hearings, and at Glasgow over 5,000 persons listened to him in one of the largest auditoriums. His sermons are already being published weekly in more than sixty newspapers throughout the United States.
The Brooklyn Tabernacle is to be undenominational.
Definition: undenominational - not attached to any religious denomination
Definition: non-denominational - open or acceptable to people of any Christian denomination
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Saturday 30 January 1909, page 10 top
Advert for the reopening
next.... the reports on the reopening.... -
Could we have a topic subject on just watchtower organization news?
by nowwhat? infor kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD across pages 26 and 27 in today's print version
Usual caveat as per: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5117651812614144/uk-daily-mirror-girl-who-abused-dad-5-years-asked-jws-help-but-got-molested-church-elder-too
Mum raised on council estate made £300million but it destroyed her husband and ruined her marriageThe Sunday Mirror, Sunday 11 June 2017
A millionairess raised on a council estate has told how her fairytale turned to dust when her husband cheated on her – then hid their £300million fortune.
Sarah Pursglove and her partner had unimaginable wealth – a £25million penthouse, a £22million yacht, a private jet, a property empire and a booming online business.
But she says the money “absolutely ruined” her husband Robert Oesterlund, 44.
Sarah grew up in a three-bed semi in North Wales while Robert was the shy son of Finnish Jehovah’s Witnesses. The pair met while she was working as a cruise ship photographer and fell madly in love.
READ MORE: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-raised-council-estate-made-10601626 -
Could we have a topic subject on just watchtower organization news?
by nowwhat? infor kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
Looks like the National's are picking this story up now...
Jehovah's Witness agrees not to show son religious cartoons because of risk of 'emotional damage'
The Daily Telegraph, Sunday 11 June 2017
A Jehovah's Witness has agreed not to show his son religious cartoons and has been banned from taking the six-year-old to some church events because it could cause him "emotional damage".
My medal message
by wheelwithinwheel insent the following to my jw friends and contacts.
thought you might enjoy the read!.....
anyone who is willing to have 8 kids deserves a medal!.
The family chose to apply, the Russian authorities did not chose them...they chose them once the family entered into competition for the award and met the qualifications to receive it.
I wonder how many apply - and pass the number of children qualification, BUT NOT the other qualifications?
It would have been very easy for the Russians to NOT have presented the Medal to the family, along with any number of families likewise refused.
The Russians can tell the world (and the appeal court) - yes, we ban the religion, but we 'love' the people, their 'human rights' are not being hindered.
The JWs can say what good parent's this JW family is because the are JWs and are good and shouldn't therefore be banned.
They both know what they are doing and it's a game of brinkmanship.
My medal message
by wheelwithinwheel insent the following to my jw friends and contacts.
thought you might enjoy the read!.....
anyone who is willing to have 8 kids deserves a medal!.
The Russian JW family were awarded their honor and glory as a result of applying for the award, exactly the same way the org got their Telly award.
Don't get bogged down with thinking that having to apply for an award is a bad thing 'in-its-self'
Even the Oscars require that you apply, and fulfil a strict set of criteria - it is not automatic - films need to put forward specific people for each specific Oscar category.
Of course the Oscars have a limited number of Awards to give out - unlike this Russian Family thing or the Telly Awards - but the principle in all is that you need to apply for the award
Putin presents the Order of Parental Glory to a Russian Jehovah's Witness family
by OrphanCrow inhttp://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/54643.
presenting the order of parental gloryon the eve of international children’s day, vladimir putin presented the order of parental glory to parents of large families.
the recipients included families from astrakhan and yaroslavl regions, the republics of karelia, buryatia, north ossetia-alania, perm and primorye territories, and khanty-mansi autonomous area – yugra.the order of parental glory was established by a presidential executive order signed in may 2008 and is awarded to parents (or adoptive parents) raising 7 or more children and ensuring due care for their health, education, and physical, spiritual and moral development.
Sort of like the Telly Awards - it is given to those who ask for it.
haha, I wouldn't put it quite like that
there's lots of things you need to apply for, even though you are 'automatically' qualified for them:
but, yeah, they, or someone else, would have needed to apply.
Could we have a topic subject on just watchtower organization news?
by nowwhat? infor kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
Judge bars Jehovah's Witness from taking son to some religious events
Portsmouth The News, Sunday 11 June 2017
A Jehovah's Witness embroiled in a family court dispute with his estranged wife has been barred from taking his six-year-old son to some religious events by a judge.
District Judge Malcolm Dodds has refused to allow the man to take the little boy to Jehovah's Witness assemblies, annual conventions and memorials.
The judge concluded that there was a risk of the youngster suffering "emotional damage".
He heard that the couple had separated about a year after the man began to study the Jehovah's Witness faith.
The boy now lived with his mother, who did not practise any religion.