FYI - below is the OP's TV programme:
Holby City: Series 19, Episode 36
For the Love of Maureen
Originally broadcast on UK BBC 1 at 8.00pm on Tuesday 13 June 2017 (except Scotland at 9.45pm)
tonight's episode of holby city on bbc 1 starts a jw narrative that explores family estrangement and the blood issue.
the outcome is explored again in a couple of weeks and is pretty favourable to the jws..
FYI - below is the OP's TV programme:
Holby City: Series 19, Episode 36
For the Love of Maureen
Originally broadcast on UK BBC 1 at 8.00pm on Tuesday 13 June 2017 (except Scotland at 9.45pm)
hi all, new member, have enjoyed reading all of your comments over the years.
does anyone know what happened to the manchester convention listing on jw website?
i'm not attending for the first time (hooray for me!
The Manchester Convention was due to take place from 30 June to 2 July 2017 at the Manchester Arena - see the original list here:
The Manchester Convention has now been CANCELLED - and is being replaced by a NEW CONVENTION DATE in Liverpool - as per the official convention website:
We regret that the regional convention in Manchester has been cancelled following the recent tragic events that occurred at the Manchester Arena. However, a new convention has been arranged to be held at the Liverpool Arena and Convention Centre (ACC) from August 25 to 27, 2017. In due course, a Liverpool B page will be displayed on this website providing further information.
For those who may have booked hotels via for the Manchester convention, we hope to be able to provide information and direction on this page as soon as possible.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Peak number of publishers this past year was 8,340,847; Bible studies averaged 10,115,264 each month.
Have they not get any more recent updates?
So if a Bible Study takes a year to progress to become an 'unbaptized publisher'
That means NEXT year there should be around 18,000,000 publishers
If not, they must be doing something wrong....
this is the tv 'critics' choice' for this evening.
from the daily mail:.
FYI. this is the TV 'Critics' Choice' for this evening. from the Daily Mail:
One Born Every Minute.
UK TV Channel 4, Tuesday 13 June 2017, 9.00pm to 10.00pm (Series 10, Episode 9)
THERE’S a shortage of beds at Liverpool Women’s Hospital, and Kristina’s twins need to be delivered quickly — which might mean a move to another hospital. Meanwhile, Jehovah’s Witnesses Amy and Dave, who are expecting their first child, find their beliefs at odds with the doctors’ advice.
After the programme has been broadcast it will be available to watch online here:
abc news (australia).
13 june 2017. a national christian group is lobbying for the disability discrimination act to be changed so that it can discriminate against people with mental illnesses, on the basis they could upset the "sacred" nature of church services.. familyvoice has called for a religious exemption to the act, arguing it interferes with freedom of religion.. in a submission to a federal parliamentary inquiry on freedom of belief, familyvoice said a person with a mental illness had the potential to interfere with a church service.. "for very good reasons a religion may not wish to engage a person who has a mental illness and displays disturbed behaviour," the submission read.. "a simple provision should be added for an exemption from the act for persons ... whose conscientious beliefs do not allow them to comply" .
The story appears to be about Priests and Church Ministers, rather than rank-and-file congregation members
as per the UK's Daily Mail:
Church group slammed for 'cruel' plan to ban disabled priests from leading prayers in case their 'disturbed behaviour disrupts sacred services'
Christian group has been slammed for its proposed ban on disabled and mentally ill priests and ministers in services if they display 'disturbed behaviour'
FamilyVoice is calling for a religious exemption to Disability Discrimination Act
Said the behaviour would adversely affect church services which are sacred
from the article, "the judge concluded that there was a risk of the youngster suffering "emotional damage" if he was taken to to jehovah's witness assemblies, annual conventions and memorials.".
read more:
HI LevelThePlayingField
thank you for reposting / reposting / reposting this interesting article
If you are interested - those people that actually bought The Daily Telegraph newspaper yesterday (Monday 12 June 2017) - will have been able to read the article on page 10 of the print newspaper
I've uploaded a scan of the article here:
In addition, I've uploaded a link to the full and original judgement by the Judge which goes through all the various reasonings and give the background to this case, here:
And finally - can you please let us know what you found out when you "did a search" regarding your thread: - interested to know what your search turned up, in view of your post title! - thanks!
what is the .org's stance on hebrews 8:11 using the nwt:“‘and they will no longer teach each one his fellow citizen and each one his brother, saying: “know jehovah!”* for they will all know me, from the least to the greatest of them.
" or the kjv "and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, know the lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
doesn't this scripture indicate that we are no longer required to "preach the good news"?
The two WT Scripture Indexes for 1930 to 2016 give just three references:
Insight Vol 2 page 491; Watchtower 1934 page 131; Jehovah (book) page 190.
I understand the 1934 Watchtower was effectively 'reprinted' in the Jehovah book - so that's really just two actual references.
Insight Volume 2, page 491: Neighbor
In the Commonwealth of Israel. At Hebrews 8:11 a form of the Greek word po·liʹtes, “citizen,” appears in most Greek texts; some late manuscripts read ple·siʹon. Paul here quotes from the restoration prophecy of Jeremiah 31:34, spoken to those in the commonwealth of Israel: “‘And they will no more teach each one his companion [form of reʹaʽ] and each one his brother, saying, “Know Jehovah!” for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.” Paul applies it to the spiritual “holy nation,” “the Israel of God,” saying: “And they will by no means teach each one his fellow citizen and each one his brother . . . ” Here the flavor of the original languages is kept better by the expression companion (for reʹaʽ) and citizen (for po·liʹtes), rather than neighbor.—1 Pe 2:9; Ga 6:16.
russian jw mr novik is shown in full view on jw org wearing the "parental glory" badge with its prominent cross pattee on his lapel - and not one word of caution is sounded.
similarly, jw forums are abuzz singing the praises of mr and mrs novik and their brood after they received the parental glory honor from no less than jw-oppressor, mr putin.. from the stinking gb heaven all the way down to the dusty rank and file, the hypocrisy is sky-high.
steve2: WTF? Russian JW Mr Novik is shown in full view on jw ORG wearing the "Parental Glory" badge with its prominent cross pattee on his lapel
What about the German Order of Merit??....
a judge in the uk has ordered strict limits on a jw father's ability to let the watchtower indoctrinate his child.
not sure if this is precedent setting, but i think the judge is spot on.
the reasons are explained in the article..
The full judgement is around 5,900 words long, but provides some interesting background information and observations
Link below to the full judgement
nearly 6,000 words long, but it is a relatively straight forward read - interesting observations: