Anony Mous: @darkspilver - space isn't free. It may be cheaper to buy a computer and printer than an ever expanding amount of shelf space.
True, but the 'as is' option in existing KHs is still the simplest, including managing it.
'Ever expanding' ?!?!?! haha! good joke!
Really, it's not like the WT nowadays are actually printing much new stuff anyway?!?
A couple of inches-a-year at most??
Annual bound volume is one inch thick, plus the annual yearbook, publication index and workbooks, plus the odd new book every couple of years - that must average out to two-inches of shelf space-a-year?
One elder once told me that what was written as a suggestion in these letters should be taken as a directive, and I quote "Jehovah does not have grey areas".
Yes I've heard that - but re-read paragraph 47:
The bodies of elders should determine whether the library will provide publications in printed form, electronic form, or both. Since many publishers and interested persons may neither use computers nor have electronic devices, the elders should give careful consideration to the needs of such individuals when making decisions as to the Kingdom Hall library, especially before deciding to eliminate printed publications.