JoinedPosts by darkspilver
West Springfield, MA Congregation
by ryebass inlooking for anyone who was a regular at this congregation back in the 70's and 80's; my father just passed away and these were golden years for me (inextricable from my youth) despite any ill-feeling or resentment i may hold towards the faith at this point in my life (my father remained a witness until his death a few days ago).. thanks in advance.
Dutch JW convention hall for sale.
by Anders Andersen inas the newly expanded convention hall in swifterbant is now in use, the only other jw convention hall in the netherlands is now for sale.. https://congreshal.nl/english/ (congreshal means convention center).. note the links to the brooklyn and ibsa garage sales at the bottom of the page..
TBH, I wonder what it could be used for? -
Instructions to remove old WT information from kh libraries
by Half banana ina pimo friend (physically in mentally out) has just informed me that the cult has decided that they want to suppress all old jw org information by removing bound volumes etc from kh libraries.. in reality, all through their history they have claimed divine "new light" as a means of changing uncomfortable doctrines.
this however would mean that new jws, or more likely these days young jws, will be prevented from seeing the old light which had been held up as divinely inspired truth in the past.. truth which would get you through big a and which if you didn't agree with would get you disfellowshipped.. anyone else heard of this?
what might be the reasons (if true) for removing the old wts?.
Anony Mous: @darkspilver - space isn't free. It may be cheaper to buy a computer and printer than an ever expanding amount of shelf space.
True, but the 'as is' option in existing KHs is still the simplest, including managing it.
'Ever expanding' ?!?!?! haha! good joke!
Really, it's not like the WT nowadays are actually printing much new stuff anyway?!?
A couple of inches-a-year at most??
Annual bound volume is one inch thick, plus the annual yearbook, publication index and workbooks, plus the odd new book every couple of years - that must average out to two-inches of shelf space-a-year?
One elder once told me that what was written as a suggestion in these letters should be taken as a directive, and I quote "Jehovah does not have grey areas".
Yes I've heard that - but re-read paragraph 47:
The bodies of elders should determine whether the library will provide publications in printed form, electronic form, or both. Since many publishers and interested persons may neither use computers nor have electronic devices, the elders should give careful consideration to the needs of such individuals when making decisions as to the Kingdom Hall library, especially before deciding to eliminate printed publications.
Instructions to remove old WT information from kh libraries
by Half banana ina pimo friend (physically in mentally out) has just informed me that the cult has decided that they want to suppress all old jw org information by removing bound volumes etc from kh libraries.. in reality, all through their history they have claimed divine "new light" as a means of changing uncomfortable doctrines.
this however would mean that new jws, or more likely these days young jws, will be prevented from seeing the old light which had been held up as divinely inspired truth in the past.. truth which would get you through big a and which if you didn't agree with would get you disfellowshipped.. anyone else heard of this?
what might be the reasons (if true) for removing the old wts?.
48. In the event that the bodies of elders decide to eliminate printed publications from the library,
this apparently means you must do it!TBH, I don't really think so...
BUT if they do eliminate printed publications, then the elders must provide (ie buy and maintain) either a tablet or a PC and a printer for KH users to access either the online library or the CD-ROM.
Therefore the simplest, and cheapest option, is keep the KH library 'as is' - with the printed publications.
Instructions to remove old WT information from kh libraries
by Half banana ina pimo friend (physically in mentally out) has just informed me that the cult has decided that they want to suppress all old jw org information by removing bound volumes etc from kh libraries.. in reality, all through their history they have claimed divine "new light" as a means of changing uncomfortable doctrines.
this however would mean that new jws, or more likely these days young jws, will be prevented from seeing the old light which had been held up as divinely inspired truth in the past.. truth which would get you through big a and which if you didn't agree with would get you disfellowshipped.. anyone else heard of this?
what might be the reasons (if true) for removing the old wts?.
Your friend is probably referring to the following Elders' letter which was posted, and discussed, here five days ago:
BoE Letter - August 1, 2017 - Re: Using and Maintaining Kingdom Halls
47. Library: Each Kingdom Hall auditorium should have space for a library. (od p. 61) The library should contain publications for each language group using the auditorium. The bodies of elders should determine whether the library will provide publications in printed form, electronic form, or both. Since many publishers and interested persons may neither use computers nor have electronic devices, the elders should give careful consideration to the needs of such individuals when making decisions as to the Kingdom Hall library, especially before deciding to eliminate printed publications. If the publications will be provided in electronic form, such as on a device with access to Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY or on a computer by means of Watchtower Library, a printer should be made available. At least one responsible brother should be assigned to keep the library up-to-date and in good order.
48. In the event that the bodies of elders decide to eliminate printed publications from the library, care should be taken not to discard items that have historical significance. The branch office may wish to add such items to its library or to its archive of historical materials.
haha! - fastJehu's comment below
Is There Anywhere To Go for an Outed JW elder/pedophile enabler?
by mrmagic insince the australian royal commission, a lot of jw elders have been outed for either being pedophiles/molesters or for enabling it.
the jw elders who enabled it, are publicly outed to their community online and offline.
it's become a congregational matter with the entire kingdom hall and someone said that this elder would lose his eldership possibly, due to it "being known in the congregation and community" that he enabled child sexual abuse.
Depending on what happened, it is entirely possible that individual elders were summoned to a court and lost over an abuse case. In that case, their names are public record and may be reported with pictures in local papers.
But what about when the jury finds the case 'not guilty' - who gets named then? and who doesn't get named?
Major JW mistake and where the Holy Spirit
by Crazyguy init's my understanding that the gb took out the text about the adulterous woman at mark 7:53 - 8:11, (this the all important verses where jesus says the one with out sin cast the first stone.
) sighting that it wasn't found in the oldest text.
which text are they talking about, the codex sinaiticus?
menrov gives the footnote from the NET bible on the following thead...
cleveland ohio RC notes
by nowwhat? inpeak attendance 7100. baptised 38 mixed bag of old and young.
youngest age 10. saw no brothers with beards.
better than average .50% growth.
What amazes me is that for many years I believed this to be an unwritten rule when in actual fact it is a written rule. I managed to read the branch correspondence guidelines that basically instruct elders to not give privelages to any brother wearing a beard after having been admonished.
In the 2007 version of the Correspondence Guidelines, I can find only one reference to beards, and that reference just references publicly available Watchtower and Awake magazines
When replying to speciļ¬c inquiries on clothing and grooming, the following references in our publications may be helpful.
The wearing of a beard: g79 4/22 27-8; w75 8/15 500-501; w73 3/1 137-40.
Brothers wearing beards do have, and continue to have, congregational 'privileges' - not all congregations are the same.
Rookie exJW Question
by Phoebe ini was wondering if someone could help me with a question.. i am a rookie exjw, i only left the organization 4 months ago and everything i've discovered (un/arc/malawi/mexico etc) i've only discovered in the last few months so you can image it's been a huge shock to me especially after after 50 yrs!.
every time i think i've heard everything, something else pops up.. now i've come across a youtube video that mention tv evangelizer jimmy swaggart and the watchtower.
i remember jimmy swaggart from the time i lived in the u.s.a and i remember the scandals with him and prostitutes etc.
I collect the sales tax from all my customers. They don't have to register. I do. I pay that sales tax that I collect directly from my checking account.
The sales tax is always paid by the final user, never a merchant. The merchant, however, in order to be able to sell, is obligated to collect the sales tax from the sales tax payer and pass it to the government.
The JWs position in the sales chain would be the same as you? And you are registered?
Is there a minimum amount required before you need to register as a 'merchant'? It would strike me that the individual JWs would each be below such a threshold due to the low-valve of sales anyway.
Rookie exJW Question
by Phoebe ini was wondering if someone could help me with a question.. i am a rookie exjw, i only left the organization 4 months ago and everything i've discovered (un/arc/malawi/mexico etc) i've only discovered in the last few months so you can image it's been a huge shock to me especially after after 50 yrs!.
every time i think i've heard everything, something else pops up.. now i've come across a youtube video that mention tv evangelizer jimmy swaggart and the watchtower.
i remember jimmy swaggart from the time i lived in the u.s.a and i remember the scandals with him and prostitutes etc.
NONSENSE: I collect the sales tax from all my customers. They don't have to register. I do. I pay that sales tax that I collect directly from my checking account.
But isn't that the whole point? the same principle would apply to individual JWs and THEIR customers.
I think that it was the WT-JW relationship / concept that the WT did not want to be formalized - the WT wanted:
The individual JW are selling to THEIR own customers - ie the householder
The individual JW are NOT agents of the WT (the WT is very clear about this regarding liability)
Thus, just like YOU collecting sales tax from your customers and paying, the individual JWs would collect sales tax and pay it.
If the JW where acting on behalf of the WT, like being agents, then the WT would pay - but the WT does not want that liability.