nowwhat?: Try checking out the other posts before asking dumb questions!
I think this is the first one, from last year...
was talking with a family member today and they said that there is something special going on at the kh this weekend.
any idea what it is?
they said that some kind of broadcast from bethel for everyone..
nowwhat?: Try checking out the other posts before asking dumb questions!
I think this is the first one, from last year...
october 2, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: contributions received at the 2017 annual meeting.
So they went from saying that money that went into boxes marked "Worldwide Work" should go to mother, and money that went into local boxes stayed local, to demanding that ALL boxes be marked "Worldwide Work"!
I think it depends how many steps back you go.
The letter in March 2017 appears to follow the same principle as the most recent October 2017 letter, with the exception of the temporary labelling of the Local box (to local congregation) to become a Worldwide box (sent to WT Bethel)
Was there previous direction regarding contributions during WT broadcast events at KHs?
october 2, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: contributions received at the 2017 annual meeting.
That's an interesting, but subtle and very specific change to the previous directions the WT have sent to congregations regarding the labelling of the contribution boxes...
You do remember the March 2017 letter??
NOW - add temporary labels over 'Local Congregation Expenses' boxes
BoE Letter, October 2, 2017 - Re: Contributions Received at the 2017 Annual Meeting
Please place temporary labels on the contribution boxes so that all boxes are clearly labeled “Worldwide Work.”
PREVIOUSLY - no label changes, just send money in 'Local Congregation Expenses' to Bethel (minus any minor expenses incurred during the actual event)
BoE Letter, March 2, 2017 - Re: Broadcast Events Held in Kingdom Halls
8. Donations placed in the box labeled “Worldwide Work” should be forwarded to the branch office using jworg. Donations placed in the box labeled “Local Congregation Expenses” can be used to cover local expenses incurred during the event. Thereafter, any surplus should be forwarded to the branch office as a donation to the worldwide work.
when does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.
steve2: It's interesting that they once published the Memorial attendance within a month or so of its being held.
The example attendance/partakers I provided above, for a Memorial held on Tuesday 6 April, was printed in the August Kingdom Ministry (although it would have needed to have been printed and distributed to congregations just before the start of August)
Diogenesister: However, darkspilver's chart shows that anointed numbers in the UK decreased at a faster, and notably steady, rate than in the USA
That was what stood out to me.
The percentage decrease in the number of partakers from 1975 to 1993 was:
Worldwide = 17.6% decrease
America = 21.8% decrease
Britain = 63.9% decrease
It was also interesting that American partakers generally accounted for just under half of the worldwide total number.
when does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.
OrphanCrow: Darkspliver, can you please reference the source of the image you posted? Where do those numbers come from?
That's MY image/chart.
The data isn't mine though, it is from the WT, via the KM, sample below for 1993 has another breaking news article out of canada:
Jehovah’s Witness Sexual Abuse Class Action
Monday, October 2, 2017
Jehovah’s Witness Sexual Abuse Class Action Toronto law firm McPhadden Samac Tuovi Hate announced today that it had commenced a class action in Ontario against 3 Jehovah’s Witness organizations, one in Canada and two in the United States.
The amount claimed on behalf of the former students is the sum of $66,000,000.
The case has been brought on behalf of current and former Jehovah’s Witnesses who claim they were sexually assaulted by Elders of the organization. There is also a class of claimants composed of those who allege that when they were children they were sexually assaulted by adult Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The action has been commenced on behalf of all those affected, regardless of where in Canada they reside.
when does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.
steve2: Wild_Thing, I don't think they have ever given a country-by-country breakdown of the partaker numbers
There's this.....
daniel kokotajlo's new film apostasy has it's world premiere at the toronto international film festival in september 2017. apostasy.
family and faith come into conflict for two jehovah’s witness sisters in manchester, when one is condemned for fornication and the other pressured to shun her sibling.. this fresh, unadorned first feature from director dan kokotajlo carries an unmistakable note of authenticity from its very first scenes.
set in a jehovah's witness community in england, the film's strength and power lies in its directness.. apostasy depicts the growing rift in a family — a mother and two daughters — who are rigorously devoted to their religion.
FYI Curzon Artificial Eye announced as UK distributors for Apostasy
'Apostasy', 'Foxtrot',’ 'The Guardians' head to the UK with Curzon
Screen Daily, Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Curzon Artificial Eye has added to its burgeoning UK distribution slate with the acquisition of three premium festival titles.
Curzon has also moved for Daniel Kokotajlo’s feature debut Apostasy, which premiered at Toronto in the Discovery programme. Based on Kokotajlo’s own experiences growing up in a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the film was produced through Creative England’s iFeatures programme.
All three titles will play at this month’s BFI London Film Festival.
Louisa Dent, MD of Curzon Artificial Eye, commented: "We already had a number of excellent films amongst the programmes of TIFF and Venice but it is a pleasure to add these three exceptional titles to our slate. Apostasy deftly handles a complex issue with assurance and this is a remarkable debut. Xavier (Xavier Beauvois - The Guardians) and Samuel (Samuel Moaz - Foxtrot) will be familiar to UK audiences and these two films cement their position as world class auteurs. We look forward to premiering these exciting films at the forthcoming BFI London Film Festival."
rhonda lerocque attended the kingdom hall of wilmington, ma.
my brother and his family were part of that cong back in the day, although i don't know if they knew.. a mother, wife, sister, daughter, etc, etc.. please pray for her and all of those involved..
thanks - please check out the post I made a couple of hours ago below which included television/video reports:
first they said 20 dead with 100 injured.
now i just heard 50 dead and 200 injured.
whatever it is it just another nut case who was able to get a high power gun to kill people.
Link includes a video report
'It just didn't make sense': Tewksbury mother killed in Vegas
Fox25 Boston, Monday, October 2, 2017
TEWKSBURY, Mass. - A Tewksbury mother was among those shot and killed at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas Sunday night, her family told Boston 25 News.
Rhonda LeRocque was at the concert with her husband, Jason, her 6-year-old daughter and her father-in-law, family said. Her father-in-law had just left the concert with Rhonda’s 6-year-old daughter when the shooting started.
According to family, Rhonda was shot in the back of the head.
She and Jason had been married for 20 years after they met at Kingdom Hall, where Jason is a minister.
Members of the family's congregation are traveling to Las Vegas to escort the family and Rhonda's body home.
READ FULL ARTICLE (with video report):
Video report from CBS Boston: