First they said 20 dead with 100 injured. Now I just heard 50 dead and 200 injured. Whatever it is it just another nut case who was able to get a high power gun to kill people. Why is this allowed? How can we keep this from happening again? Surely the NRA and those who want gun restrictions can finally come together and come up with a logical solution or is it wishful thinking. So horrible, so sad, so sickening. What is the answer or is there no answer. Is this a result of what is going on in politics? Or is the type of society we live in in the U.S.? Can anything ever be done? I don't have the answers put I feel there are those who feels they need to show everyone how powerful they are with a gun. Is this a break down of lack mental health access? I will stop now. Your thought's. Still Totally ADD
Just woke up turn TV on to hear yet another nut case with a gun.
by Still Totally ADD 146 Replies latest jw friends
Still Totally ADD
News just said he used military weapons. The shooter was kill and they found a stash of weapons in the room. How did he get all those weapons up into his hotel room so many floors up? Still Totally ADD
Just horrible.
It is early stages, but it sounds like a machine gun or assault rifle (firing on automatic) was used. I just don't understand why a civilian should be allowed to own an assault rifle, ever.
For anyone not in the USA not familiar with our gun laws:
1.) Felons (convicted criminals) are not allowed to purchase firearms of any kind.
2.) People with a history of mental illness which led to them being involuntarily committed to a mental institution, may not purchase or own a firearm.
3.) Anyone thrown out of the military cannot purchase/own a firearm.
4.) Illegal aliens cannot purchase/own a firearm.
5.) Background checks are done INSTANTLY at dealers, thru the phone, to check your credentials, citizenship, military record, criminal record, etc. No one can anonymously buy a firearm. If you are a firearm owner, and sell a firearm yourself, you and your firearm purchaser must go to a firearm dealer to have the insta-check done and the paperwork completed.
6.) Not just anyone can own a fully automatic weapon. That is a class 3 license, etc. You'd have to be practically military, ex-military, or current law enforcement to even qualify. You can be a regular citizen, but the background check, paperwork, and just the MONEY it costs to apply disqualifies most. And the weaponry? Only a Class 3 FFL dealer even have automatic weapons, and if you don't have $25,000.00 just lying around, guess what? You are not in that league.
The nutcases you see with fully automatic weapons are converting them themselves which is against the law. But then again, they are criminals that have probably stolen semi-automatic weapons to begin with, and therefore don't care about the laws.
There are millions of firearm owners in this country, and TRILLIONS of rounds of ammunition. 99.95% of us are responsible. The gangs, criminals and thugs steal from them from us, use them, and continue to resell them. How did a Somali immigrant get a gun and shoot up a Baptist Church the other week? Not because he could legally get one, that's for damn sure!!!
Time will tell what this new shooter in Las Vegas was up to. He was a 64 yr old guy. Who knows if he was ex-Military, and screwed up in the head? Who knows if he had converted to radical Islam? I can tell you this though from watching the video, he had something along the lines of an AK-47, or possibly an M-40, M-60 machine gun. I'd say AK-47, due to the rounds fired before he had to grab another magazine and reload. A true machine gun is usually belt fed. He could have shot hundreds of rounds before reloading if it was an M-60. And this guy was up 30+ floors, and NOT out on the balcony. There was ZERO muzzle flash shown on the video's I've seen. He was back in the room, using cover like a sniper, but spraying the crowd.
A truly sad day for America. But hey, this is not supposed to be political forum, right? These threads never end well on this forum, usually due to the Canucks and UK, etc telling the USA how much better they all have it since they are un-armed Sheeple. To them I ask, "How's that working out for you? How does living under the Queen/King rule, working out for you? How are you enjoying your Islamic slums governed by Sharia Law?" Don't worry, we got it hear America we call it Dearborn, Michigan. It looks like the Middle East in Dearborn.
Don't have answers either. The one thing that I can continue sating is that in the USA (or anywhere else for that matter) it's impossible to legislate attitude. With all the restrictions that still exist today, even if we add more, laws, ordinances and policies can only go so far. For as long as the attitude and mental health of people don't get properly addressed, that and other social problems will continue festering in this society.
If these guns weren't available to anyone legally, these high powered weapons, wouldn't that help? I see what WingCommander is saying to a point, but if these weren't produced and sold and even available in the market, wouldn't that make it harder to ever obtain one?
I can see having a handgun, but not something with this kind of power. I just don't see any justification to produce them and make them available in the first place. Can you explain how that is reasonable and worth it?
It took only four posts for a local gun nut to come out with a full-throat defense of the values and virtues of gun ownership with wholly nonacknowledgement of 50 dead and 400 wounded.
That has got to be a record.
I agree with WingCommander and scratchme. Would also add - best to ignore the first 24 hours of media coverage. Or at least take everything with a grain of salt. Wait for actual confirmed facts.
if these weren't produced and sold and even available in the market, wouldn't that make it harder to ever obtain one?
There's plenty of manufacturers overseas who make millions of these weapons.
Supply & demand. The scarcer they become, the more supply dwindles rises, the higher the price goes, and the more lucrative it is for smugglers & illegal dealers.
I honestly have no idea how to fix it. Neither does anyway else. That's why this keeps happening.
1.) Felons (convicted criminals) are not allowed to purchase firearms of any kind.
Then they are being denied a right guaranteed them by the constitution. Why can we deny them guns but we can't deny them religion?
2.) People with a history of mental illness which led to them being involuntarily committed to a mental institution, may not purchase or own a firearm.
The problem is that not all are diagnosed or reported, especially when the gun incident is the mental break. Never mind the purchase loopholes ...
3.) Anyone thrown out of the military cannot purchase/own a firearm.
So denied their rights?
4.) Illegal aliens cannot purchase/own a firearm.
Except at gun shows?
5.) Background checks are done INSTANTLY at dealers, thru the phone, to check your credentials, citizenship, military record, criminal record, etc. No one can anonymously buy a firearm. If you are a firearm owner, and sell a firearm yourself, you and your firearm purchaser must go to a firearm dealer to have the insta-check done and the paperwork completed.
Gun shows? Not all checks may be sufficient or thorough.
6.) Not just anyone can own a fully automatic weapon. That is a class 3 license, etc. You'd have to be practically military, ex-military, or current law enforcement to even qualify. You can be a regular citizen, but the background check, paperwork, and just the MONEY it costs to apply disqualifies most. And the weaponry? Only a Class 3 FFL dealer even have automatic weapons, and if you don't have $25,000.00 just lying around, guess what? You are not in that league.
Full-automatic is even worse but a semi-automatic with large capacity magazines can cause an awful lot of damage
Having money doesn't mean you can't be mental or deranged.
Bottom line: if you're going to allow people to have guns and are not going to be able to control people getting them (because "illegal guns" start out as legal ones - all the rules in the world don't stop them being stolen) then at least reduce the damage they can do.
Does anyone really need to fire 100+ rounds to "hunt"?
Make gun ownership require insurance with the cost rising the more guns, magazines and ammunition you have to cover for the increased risks.
Especially assault-style weapons - it's hard to argue that these are really "self defence" weapons. The clue is in the name.