Hmm, interesting you're sliding this in here and now...
I think the section you're after, about Harry Peloyan, starts around the 24:20 mark on the video - in particular from 26:30
i was thinking of my co grandfather who passed on a few years ago.
his wife my grandmother passed on in 99. i can remember him saying "i know after armageddon i can not be married to her but maybe we can live next to each other.
not sure where the cult stands on this issue today.
Hmm, interesting you're sliding this in here and now...
I think the section you're after, about Harry Peloyan, starts around the 24:20 mark on the video - in particular from 26:30
hi there i am new to this and want to get some advice.
i think i was abused as a child by someone in a hall in central california a long time ago.
i have been seeing on here for a while, two names keep popping up to get help.
never a jw: You think?? I am no psychologist, but that piece information raises suspicion.
Research finds misconceptions about memory may affect child sexual abuse prosecutions
6 July 2017
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a new research report about how memory affects child sexual abuse prosecutions.
The research report, Empirical Guidance on the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse on Memory and Complainant’s Evidence, outlines research findings that “common sense” beliefs about memory, frequently held by police, lawyers, judges, juries and laypeople, did not correspond with scientific knowledge about memory.
The research identifies a number of misconceptions that people hold about how memory works, and what memories are reliable. It reports that misconceptions about memory include that memory will be complete, unchanging and 'photographic'.
just came across this article by amrou al-khadi (a gay iraqi-born journalist who's living in the uk).. karar nushi, an iraqi actor, was found murdered in baghdad yesterday for rumours of his sexuality.
apparently, he'd been receiving death threats due to his 'transgressive appearance' leading up to this.. the author apparently blames western intervention for iraqis killing gay people in iraq:.
"i am a queer iraqi, and feel enormously privileged to live safely in london when i hear about such news.
The author apparently blames Western intervention for Iraqis killing gay people in Iraq
It is interesting that the SAME website, when news reporting on Karar Nushi's murder appears to makes no direct reference to his actual sexuality?
Iraqi male model brutally killed in Baghdad 'because of his good looks'
Karar Nushi was found dead in Baghdad after reportedly receiving death threats over his long hair and tight-fitting clothes.
Then there's the ex-jw comments below? (regarding another person)
may 24, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: donations to “jehovah’s witnesses of india” by indian passport holders.
Remember this is India - the government withdrew two banknotes (500R and 1000R) as legal currancy with just a few hours notice:
Maybe im missing something. But whats the problem with this?
haha nothing really...
But remember the darkspilver mantra: look beyond and behind what is written
Letter - March 21, 2016: Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India” (
Which itself appears to be a re-hash from one sent out in December 2013:
Letter - December 2, 2013: Re: To all Congregations who have Indian citizens as members (
Why has this been needed?
Because over the last couple of years there must have been a phenomenal growth of thousands-upon-thousands of Indian ex-pats from around the world becoming JWs - so the GB was re-issued these letters to show all these new JWs how they are uniquely positioned to be able to help spread the 'good news' back home in India
following on from wifibandit's post with the summer 2017 newsletter here:.
fwiw here's a before and during view as you fly over the site:.
Following on from wifibandit's post with the Summer 2017 Newsletter here:
FWIW here's a before and during view as you fly over the site:
NOTE: In the during picture, you can see the outline of the five residential blocks starting to be built (in the middle, just to the right - it seems they are in a section that was originally going to have seven blocks, but it looks like they've spaced the five blocks out more, which would indicate they're not expecting to build the other two blocks shown for that section?)
hat tip:
june 29, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation - newsletter.
britain branch relocation - newsletter ed.5 summer 2017. .
I dunno
This is described as 'phase one'.
Each block is five levels which includes a bottom level 'undercroft' (half underground) for car-parking, with four levels above with apartments.
The full phase shows 16 residential blocks (although they're of various sizes, it would seem that they each average out to be comparable to 'phase one' which therefore comprises about 30% of the 'full phase')
Hat tip to forum member 'dozy'
so everyone is supposed to get all excited about the invitation work starting tomorrow, according to the announcement from the platform.. maybe this makes sense if you're giving out invitations in the city where the convention is, but what if you're many hours away?.
a huge part of western canada is scheduled to attend edmonton alberta this july.
so how does that go over giving out invitations in winnipeg, about a 13 hour drive(that's just driving time).. i know some are actually planning on flying there, so i can't see getting excited about getting the public to make the trek.. i was curious how this is going over in other areas?.
The car drive from the Bracknell Kingdom Hall to Brighton Stadium is an approximate 85 minute / 72 mile one-way trip
The event takes place at the Brighton & Hove Albion's Amex stadium in July
Bracknell News, 29 June 2017
Jehovah's Witnesses have promised to visit every household in the town as part of a campaign before a convention in Brighton next month.
Six congregations worth of the Christian sect based in Bracknell are set to send out personal invitations encouraging the general public to come along to their convention.
The meet up will take place at Brighton & Hove Albion's Amex Stadium on July 14, 15 and 16.
thanks for posting this
FWIW - the link to the full judgement from the Family Court at Milton Keynes Magistrates’ Court (dated 9 May 2017) is here:
in the media, it seems to have been picked up firstly by a 'local' newspaper here:
It was then picked up by the UK national Daily Telegraph on their website - as per your link in the OP
It was then PRINTED in the paper edition of the Daily Telegraph on Monday 12 June 2017 - Page 10
A copy of the printed version is available here:
There is also further discussion/s of the topic here:
and here:
and here:
i still believe in freedom of religion even if i disagree with the beliefsof the religion.
what about you?.
Books wide open.
JW Financial Statements for Norway
JWs receive public support and send hundreds of millions out of the country
i had a similar question on my nclex exam for my nursing license.
in the rapid changing beliefs of jws what is the correct answer?.
Medical practice is supposed to, um, save lives.
Charlie Gard.
It's complicated, and sad.
In some ways the more medical science advances, the more difficult it can become.