Your friend is probably referring to the following Elders' letter which was posted, and discussed, here five days ago:
BoE Letter - August 1, 2017 - Re: Using and Maintaining Kingdom Halls
47. Library: Each Kingdom Hall auditorium should have space for a library. (od p. 61) The library should contain publications for each language group using the auditorium. The bodies of elders should determine whether the library will provide publications in printed form, electronic form, or both. Since many publishers and interested persons may neither use computers nor have electronic devices, the elders should give careful consideration to the needs of such individuals when making decisions as to the Kingdom Hall library, especially before deciding to eliminate printed publications. If the publications will be provided in electronic form, such as on a device with access to Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY or on a computer by means of Watchtower Library, a printer should be made available. At least one responsible brother should be assigned to keep the library up-to-date and in good order.
48. In the event that the bodies of elders decide to eliminate printed publications from the library, care should be taken not to discard items that have historical significance. The branch office may wish to add such items to its library or to its archive of historical materials.
haha! - fastJehu's comment below