When Revelation chapter 7 speaks about a great crowd who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb....they can't have Jesus as a Mediator?
Good question.
elder: plese watch the november programm on jw broadcasting.. me: what i hope for is the change of the doctrine that states that jesus is not the mediator between jehovah and all jw's but only between jehovah and the 144000. i believe jesus is my mediator even if i am not one of the 144000. .
elder: may jehovah open your mind and heart.
me: may he open everyone's mind and heart.
When Revelation chapter 7 speaks about a great crowd who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb....they can't have Jesus as a Mediator?
Good question.
please be aware of everything that is happening around the world at this moment in time.
this goes to anyone, ex-communicated, removed, serving, believer and non.
at this point in my observations i have realized many religions/ideologies know there is some sort "end of time" or a transition into a new order of living in this earth.
BTW - Will you wager against your solid beliefs? ( I will )
does anyone have a scan of a watchtower magazine article that shows the questions posed and answers on the bottom of the page?
Does anyone have a scan of a Watchtower Magazine article that shows the questions posed and answers on the bottom of the page?
They do not post the answers.
does anyone remember how the society joined the "disco sucks" movement of the late 70's?
i remember reading in the mags about how disco was created by homos and that it has an "immoral beat" (whatever that means!
) it was also mentioned not to go see "saturday night fever" because someone gets a blowjob in the movie.. in our congregation, we had a special meeting about disco because people would request disco songs at our once-a-month jw skating party at the local skating rink.
Macho, macho men.
They've gotta be - macho men.
i have in the past micro dosed on iboga, shrooms, i can tell you that they work a lot of good brain activity and even generate new brain cells.
it also starts redirecting neuron to fire different pathways promotes good neuron health a kind inner brain massage which in the process brings up old forgotten memories stored ages ago and sorta reprocesses them in a new light of the present.
this stuff iboga is genuinely good but you have to treat it with respect and do you homework of finding out how to best use it.. have a look at some of these vids perhaps briefly skim them and then picture the gb doing the stuff and what would happen.
i have a number of old books and am looking at selling a few.
in particular i have all the old yearbooks (from 1927?
) and i was looking at selling the 1934 yearbook.
Yes, very interesting reading!
okay i was talking to an elder and he said me going to university was a bad idea and i should have listened to the society and not gone.
but i said that when i went to university the watchtower was saying it might not be a bad idea to go to, as long as you do it for the "right reasons", don't associate with worldly people, and keep clear of "damaging ideas".
but basically they said it was okay, in this "changing world" and job market to go to university.
As per post to jwfacts.
In the early 90's, it had become acceptable 'if necessary.'
Forum members have posted that this was Lloyd Barry's influence, and after his death, they went back to being anti-education.
last week where i live we had the worst wind storm in the history of our area.
we had gust of 71 miles an hour from 3 in the afternoon till 8 at night.
it was like a hurricane at times the wind did sound like a freight train.
WT official position - "If you want to help people, the best way is by going door-to-door with the Kingdom message."
Always stuck in my craw.
A few meetings ago, Sister Uber Pioneer parrots these words.
Makes me want to vomit (amongst other things).
always liked jewel - also brings memories of craig kilborn .
fun mashup on kimmel.
Always liked Jewel - also brings memories of Craig Kilborn
Fun mashup on Kimmel
hello everyone, i am new here and newly freed from the snare of wtbs.
my sister, also newly freed, said our mom told her at the annual meeting there was a new "understanding" on the generation confusion.
it is now the annointed that will not pass away.. has anyone else heard this?
stillajwexelder 8 years ago
yes some on GB now in 50s - so if they live as long as Franz or Barber etc - the possible date for Armageddon has been moved forward 40 years - past my life time.
Okay, is WT spending way too much time on Apostate websites?