A bunch of poor people that can't afford a tablet going out to show videos to people that can't afford to ever buy one themselves.
Cost / reward analysis.
guys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos wtf..lol.
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
A bunch of poor people that can't afford a tablet going out to show videos to people that can't afford to ever buy one themselves.
Cost / reward analysis.
i just joined this sight today.
i'm hoping to find people here with similar experiences or have experience with similar situations or just any advise or feedback.. first.
my quick life story.. i was born into jw.
can someone help dissecting this?
i stumbled upon this on another forum.
links to a site that claims to track non-profit tax forms.
The bigger one is what I understand is the process in the UK, that is, that UK charities receive 25% gift from the UK govt for donations received.
So, if 50,000,000, pounds are donated, the govt donates 12,500,000.
Is this an accurate understanding?
so last night, after thinking "wow those pesky elders have finally left me alone, maybe since i skipped out on their jc invitation back on august 1st they've given up" wrong.. i go to check the mail and there's an envelope at my front door- lo and behold, another letter from from these elders.. why won't they leave me alone already?
i'll attach a picture of the letter.. again, same letter as the first one inviting me to a judicial committee on august 15th - and signed by all three elders.. should i just continue to ignore?
quite frankly i don't give a rats arse i've been enjoying life free from the mind control of the organization, and i just wish they would drop it and let me live life.. like i mentioned before, i am moving to a new home next week, the only reason these elders have my current address ( which happens to be over 100 miles away from the cong ) is because my mother gave it to them, after i gave it to her in confidence to forward me my mail.. so lets just say she won't be getting my new address... i don't have any contact with ones from this congregation (i'm an ex pioneer, so i'm sure if they've gotten word on what i'm doing, i must be satan himself!
One cease and desist letter from an attorney should be enough to get them to leave you alone. Just one letter. It need not become any more of a 'legal matter' than that. It may be worth it, in the long run, to keep from being DFed and shunned.
I agree with this. If you find a kindly lawyer (they do exist), the fee needed would be well worth it.
I think moving homes will definitely help with getting rid of their ability to contact me. I will definitely take your advice on going through the post office to pick up mail.
Forget the post office. Get off of the grid. Get your bank statements and bills electronically. Use a friend's address in another town (than your new one) for driver's license and healthcare info (if applicable). Get a new phone number and do not give out your address, phone, or work to Mom. Create a throwaway email to stay in touch with Mom, but close it within a number hours, or else just message via a Mom-only facebook account.
had an enlightening discussion with my 20 something, baptised, awake son.
he said he feels abandoned by the religion, and yet trapped at the same time.
i had never thought about it that way before, but can totally understand where he is coming from.
To understand why we all feel so messed up, take a look here (share with your son):
Bonnie's book is a MUST-READ for recovery. (Should be read more than once.)
so last night, after thinking "wow those pesky elders have finally left me alone, maybe since i skipped out on their jc invitation back on august 1st they've given up" wrong.. i go to check the mail and there's an envelope at my front door- lo and behold, another letter from from these elders.. why won't they leave me alone already?
i'll attach a picture of the letter.. again, same letter as the first one inviting me to a judicial committee on august 15th - and signed by all three elders.. should i just continue to ignore?
quite frankly i don't give a rats arse i've been enjoying life free from the mind control of the organization, and i just wish they would drop it and let me live life.. like i mentioned before, i am moving to a new home next week, the only reason these elders have my current address ( which happens to be over 100 miles away from the cong ) is because my mother gave it to them, after i gave it to her in confidence to forward me my mail.. so lets just say she won't be getting my new address... i don't have any contact with ones from this congregation (i'm an ex pioneer, so i'm sure if they've gotten word on what i'm doing, i must be satan himself!
You will be DF'd, plain and simple.
The elders did not, do not, and never will, really care about you.
They care about you being a member of the group.
The same is true of family in the group.
But cults, because they only serve the leader, exploit and pervert that useful habit and, to establish and maintain itself, does everything possible to destroy family ties, and any other secure and conventional anchor in a person's life. This has the effect of strengthening a member's bond with the cult and its leader. From this viewpoint, the cults that promote celibacy and the cults that encourage indulgence in sexual promiscuity are seeking the same ends — the destruction of normal family life and the substitution of dependence on the cult group authority.
wow, this is awesome.
this really shows the jw passiveness towards child sex abusers.
there needs to be more of this exposing this!.
I noticed the guy next to him putting his head in his hands ... and then they scuttle off with their tails between their legs.
Was there an Elder in the group? Why didn't he speak up? Maybe the criminal sex offender was the Elder?!?!??
From a Redditor: "The guy in the fetal position with his hands over his head is an elder. The only one I would hold out hope for waking up. The driver is vaguely familiar, must have joined after I left. I can't make out the front passenger or the person in the back. This kind of video has interest for the public at large because it is appalling that a child rapist is freely walking a neighborhood, knocking on doors and taking notes about homeowners. The average witness would wave away the dissonance by saying it's a testament to Jehovah's mercy to use a humbled, repented changed sinner. The more important part of THIS story to JWs is that this man is not reformed and the elders know it. He sexually assaulted 2 sisters in his congregation in the last several years. These 2 I know first hand, there's a 3rd that's likely also true. The elders did nothing to him and the sisters eventually moved to other congregations. They ere told not to speak of it and not to call the police. The org hides more than just child sexual assault."
How did the guy shooting the camera know this guy was a rapist?
The videographer: "Someone that was in his hall gave me a heads up a couple years ago,
since he lives near me and I'm in his congregation's territory. I
memorized his face and name just to be able to do something like this. I
never dreamed it would actually happen."
i am having quite a bit of trouble leaving and fading.
does anyone have recommendations of an exit therapist?
it doesn't matter where they are located, i need to get out physically, mentally, and emotionally.
My boyfriend used Marlene Winell and there is a therapist who was a former JW , Bonnie Zieman. She wrote a book, Exiting the JW Cult, A Healing Handbook.
To understand why we (present and exDubs) all feel so messed up, take a look here (share with your therapist):
Bonnie is recently retired, and her book is a MUST-READ for recovery. (Should be read more than once.)
i've been listening to a guy called randy m, i believe an ex jw who was suing some elders and the wtbts for damage in relation to his business.
he has recorded his conversation with the bethel legal department (john miller) about it to see if his problems could be dealt with in a satisfactory manner.
i'm not on top of all the issues but wanted to highlight some of the more interesting aspects.. randy and john (the bethel legal guy) agree that religions are given a lot of freedom to act as they want but they are not allowed to interfere.
Not sure if there is another post about this fellow - who has become another exJW youtuber.
Fairly long videos, but the skinny seems to be elders protecting a pedo (now in prison).
Randy was calling them out, and they went after him.
yeesh.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyv5lg1uh0o.