We are all Amish now.
My first thought, too.
The Amish are living in paradise now.
i'm at my quasi-thanksgiving dinner with relatives.
i hear a haunting sound from another room.
"is that a children's song?
We are all Amish now.
My first thought, too.
The Amish are living in paradise now.
my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 1. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 2. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 3. my life ... and how jwd came to be - part 4. i swear, i thought it was only a couple of years at most since i wrote part 4 of "my life and how jwd came to be".
i re-read it after someone posted to it and brought it back on active topics and it was kind of prophetic in a way ... well, i had the 5 years part right if nothing else:.
it would be nice to visit the site (or whatever one is around then) in 5 years time to let people know how we're doing and find only a few of the same people still around.
Was there a part 6?
(It would be great to read a post of your Dad's story)
being that time of the year when you can buy turkeys so cheap (most jw's i know but at least a couple) or in some cases food stores give one away with a purchase exceeding some dollar amount, i was just interested in any interesting recipes.. we usually do the brine thing (3/4 cup salt to 1 gallon of water, a few packets of chicken bouillon, some random additional spices, dry or fresh as desired).
cover the turkey completely and then let it soak overnight ( we usually do about an hour a pound).
not a real precise recipe but it does, in our opinion, make for a much more juicy bird without the typical dryness that often happens.. depending on the size of your refrigerator, it may take some gymnastics to get a big pot with a turkey in it.
I did the slow roast method, and was simply stunned with the result.
170° F (Yes Fahrenheit) - 1 hour per pound.
I basted as often as I could (butter and seasoning).
I also turned the oven up for the last hour to crisp the exterior.
Google it - it's awesome.
i was never a jw , so have millions of questions .
please, how does an elder become an elder and how much trust does or should a jw put in an elder .?
Demonstrated belief that the Watch Tower Society has been exclusively chosen by God as his earthly organization.
Commitment to do whatever WT says. Appointment first as a Ministerial Servant for a period of years.
After proving commitment, appointed, usually not before turning 30 years of age.
Expected to trust them? With blind obedience.
Should one trust them? Absolutely not.
i was trying to find that scripture that talks about recognizing a false prophet.
in the watchtower online website, i did a search for the words false prophet and filtered it for scriptures only from the bible which brought up zilch in the way of results.
i did a google advanced search for the same thing and it brought up the scripture i needed which happens to be deuteronomy chapter 18:20-22 which reads... 20 “‘if any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name that i did not command him to speak or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die.+ 21 however, you may say in your heart: “how will we know that jehovah has not spoken the word?” 22 when the prophet speaks in the name of jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then jehovah did not speak that word.
Seriously, if Google is so much more intuitive than their own search it's still the way to go.
WT search is much better than it used to be - not very good, but quite good. (Plus, you can now search only Bible, or books, etc.)
It used to suck badly, and I always used Google
( eg.: https://www.google.com/search?q=false+prophet+site=wol.jw.org )
An elder criticized me for using Google instead of WT's search. Yeeesh.
so the new jw hq is to be in warwick and no longer that bleak architectural fixture on the brooklyn skyline.
actually it makes more sense after all, upstate new york is a more suitable place to have a unicorn ranch than in a city.
but it is just as easy to produce a drizzle of fairy dust out in the country as it had been in ny.
WT living in a bubble.
Not to fear - new bubble coming to Brooklyn.
yes, it's true, geoffrey jackson, the cleverest member of the governing body, is going apostate.. he's already written two scholarly books, the question is .... when is his third book going to be released!!.....
desirousofchange: "faded" is definitely only an "apostate" term.
i don't know of it being used by wt publications or "in the dark" jwsberrygerry: geoff jackson used it during the arc..
Aug 14, 2015 transcript, page 15981
33 A. That's how you would like to put it, Mr Stewart, but
34 I thought I'm trying to say that there are those, some of
35 whom I have heard of, that just fade away and they are not
36 actively Jehovah's Witnesses.
the august 2015 awake continues a cherished watchtower tradition: misquoting / cherry picking scientists.. it is clearly a selective use of information because when you read what they are saying, you know they are saying "life is complex, therefore, god.".
whereas the scientists, although they show admiration for life and how amazing it is, also recognize that we are getting closer and closer to understanding the origin of life.
it doesn't seem like it takes a supreme being to make life when you read the next paragraph in the actual quote.http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201508/dna-in-your-cells/.
I would consider the Sep 2016 WT as quote-mining, as the conclusion drawn and sought by WT is not what Deamer believes or teaches :
Par 13.
If someone seems to be attacking your belief in creation, you may tactfully shift the responsibility to him. You might ask him to explain how life could have begun without a Creator. For the first life-form to continue, it had to be able to reproduce, to make copies of itself. One professor of chemistry said that among the things needed would be (1) a protective membrane, (2) the ability to get and process energy, (3) information in the genes, and (4) the ability to make copies of that information. He added: “One is struck by the complexity of even the simplest form of life.”
What Deamer actually believes:
the inactive sister used the word "faded" today and i am wondering if she has been on this site or not?
Geoff Jackson used it during the ARC.
chelmsford looks to have much less work than in mill hill complex, if gb spirit guided why did they allow massive plans for new site when such significant changes must have been in discussion, planning , or contemplation.
knee jerk reaction to things looks to indicate someone or more on gb has instituted changes almost overnight.
my dog plans his day better, get up, walk, sleep, eat, walk some more, eat some more, and sleep again.
treasury gone to Selters
Does Brexit change anything?