So, Arnold should have sacrificed a Dodge Ram instead of a Hummer.
(This should have been shared with him at the time)
20 if a man lies carnally with a woman who is a slave, betrothed to another man and not yet ransomed or given her freedom, an inquiry shall be held.
they shall not be put to death, because she was not free; 21 but he shall bring a guilt offering for himself to the lord , to the door of the tent of meeting, a ram for a guilt offering.
22 and the priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the guilt offering before the lord for his sin which he has committed; and the sin which he has committed shall be forgiven him.. leviticus 19:20-22.
So, Arnold should have sacrificed a Dodge Ram instead of a Hummer.
(This should have been shared with him at the time)
took the laptop to bookstudy this week so we could check out the site together.
our good brother martini has been posting for some time and has been telling us about this web site where he can say the most outrageous things and people will just basically nod their heads in agreement and say right on, brother.. like once he said, i prefer to do it (preaching) with sporadic and extemporaneous praise in deed, word, poetry and song.
it was totally tongue-in-cheek, but nobody picked up on it.
This site is turning into a time capsule.
Too bad Searching1 didn't stick around.
He/she was funny.
so scanning through the gods kingdom rules i found this gem on page 228.. .
"in heaven, the 144,000 corulers with christ will recieve authority to share with jesus in weilding an "iron rod" of destruction against all enemies of gods kingdom.
( rev 2 26,27) then, together with powerful angels, the resurrected anointed ones will follow christ, the warrior king, as he sets out to confront the "vast army" of enemies that is closing in on its prey - jehovahs people.".
Blondie re quotes
"Heartwarming words" - Seriously?
"Indeed a wonderful privilege." - Let's go get 'em.
Women and children first.
Rutherford's revenge.
so scanning through the gods kingdom rules i found this gem on page 228.. .
"in heaven, the 144,000 corulers with christ will recieve authority to share with jesus in weilding an "iron rod" of destruction against all enemies of gods kingdom.
( rev 2 26,27) then, together with powerful angels, the resurrected anointed ones will follow christ, the warrior king, as he sets out to confront the "vast army" of enemies that is closing in on its prey - jehovahs people.".
This creates a problem for the "other sheep."
As the Security book indicated that Jesus is mediator for the anointed only, and therefore the GB is the mediator for the other sheep.
So if the GB are teleported before Armageddon, the other sheep are mediator-less at the most critical time of their lives.
(One shouldn't really worry, I suppose, as the resurrection will fix any mistakes.)
so scanning through the gods kingdom rules i found this gem on page 228.. .
"in heaven, the 144,000 corulers with christ will recieve authority to share with jesus in weilding an "iron rod" of destruction against all enemies of gods kingdom.
( rev 2 26,27) then, together with powerful angels, the resurrected anointed ones will follow christ, the warrior king, as he sets out to confront the "vast army" of enemies that is closing in on its prey - jehovahs people.".
I have seen "The Beast" with my own eyes.
(It's in the Google ad displayed on this thread -
i went to the whole three days of regional convention in amherst ma.
mostly i slept through the talks, and i did get a lot of exercise walking around the concourse area looking for a bathroom that didn't have an exesive wainint line to go pee, yes, at this convention even the men's rooms had waiting lines!!!
it seemed like a full third of the audience was perpetually walking around and socializing during the program.. there were so many errors, so many speakers tripping over their words from the manuscripts they were reading.
The GB has been poking the bear like Rutherford poked Hitler.
i mean " courting" certainley sounds more dignified than " hanging out with a new squeeze".
" comely" is a word i think should be used more often".
i am going to try and use " jabberwockey" in a sentece today.. anyway do you have any favourite words, in any language?.
Je t'adore!
there are a million of them and mine is by no means the most important question to ask them if i only had one shot at it.
but, i have always wondered what kind of bs excuse they would give as an answer to this question: "brother goober bum, given that there are both male and female partakers here on earth who claim to be of the 'anointed' and plan on being of the 144,000 ruling with christ in heaven for eternity........ why are the female 'anointed' treated as submissive, second class citizens and why is their opinion on doctrinal matters, matters of teaching and reproving, anything at all.... why are they not recognized while here on earth even though you claim that jesus has selected them to become angels to rule with him?
How do you manage to get a woman to stay as your wife?
i went to the whole three days of regional convention in amherst ma.
mostly i slept through the talks, and i did get a lot of exercise walking around the concourse area looking for a bathroom that didn't have an exesive wainint line to go pee, yes, at this convention even the men's rooms had waiting lines!!!
it seemed like a full third of the audience was perpetually walking around and socializing during the program.. there were so many errors, so many speakers tripping over their words from the manuscripts they were reading.
Take that, Putin!
it might be the way i think and see, but the first time i looked at the image on pg 27 of the april 15th watchtower i was trying to figure out how it applied to this study.
this is a darkened black and white image that appears in my edition of this magazine, (its colour online).
anyway, para 9 talks about a brother that had an issue with looking at online porn.
You're forgetting the terrific video for the deaf.
It's gender-neutral hilarious.