A. It's been so long since we've had a man around the house.
B. It's a good thing this counter is waist-high. I need to wait this out.
C. No, we don't DF for accepting blood, nor for facial hair.
D. C'mon already - go home - I can still catch the end of the game.
E. (That pose doesn't exist)
F. Hmmm, what kids are in the bathroom?
G & H. The original Hebrew word for threefold cord is sometimes translated "threesome." It would be encouraging to research this together, don't you think?
I. Yes, that is rock candy that you're feeling.
J. One of my roles as School Overseer is to ensure that this important point of counsel on Dress and Grooming is taken seriously. You did very well tonight, but you can understand the importance of having Jehovah's view of your day-to-day school clothes, don't you? That gives a witness to men and angels. What day is your spare the last class?
K. The video for the deaf on masturbation shows the woman pleasuring downward. I think it would be more realistic going this way, don't you?