BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm LMAO, that was perfect!!! So simple, and yet so well stated!
JoinedPosts by maybesbabies
My Brother's Funeral (Part One)
by doodle-v insome of you may remember that last year my 21 year old brother died from leukimia.
the day after i posted about it here .
((((((((V)))))))))) That's it, I'm kicking Guy in the ass and we're coming over tomorrow!!! I love you girl, I'm so sorry you've gone through this, it was a one-two punch, both "faith" and family. You are so strong to have gone through what you have, and still be the loving, wise, and wonderful person you are.
What do you dream about?
by Glenmore ini suppose i shouldn't admit this, but darn it, i will.
for the past 6 years i have been a daily user of a certain illegal herb, the one that blocks your dreams.
in my defence i have chronic pain and it helps.
I have extremely vivid dreams, movie quality type. My favorite recurring dream, however, is my flying dream. I also teach others to fly in my dream, generally loved ones. I always wake up feeling free and happy!!!
do i know you???
by in a new york bethel minute inwhat i was thinking about is, since most of us that post on jwd remain annonymous, i wonder how many of us know someone else that posts on this site, but dont know that they post on this site... i keep hearing of new apostates (people that are aquaintances of mine) that are popping up... and i notice that a few people here are from ontario, canada.
too bad i may never know who you are, even though i may know who you are (get it???!!!).
it really spells out to me just how afraid most of us are.
Well, I doubt anyone would know me, since I moved around so much, but if anyone remembers Tammy Waddington (my maiden name is Waddington, and everyone called me Tammy instead of my real name, Tamar. Blech, I HATE Tammy!) then PM me.
Ethics, aesthetics, and morals
by onacruse inso, in the course of tonight's prolonged conversation with one of you jwd recalcitrants .
if, in fact, this life, this life, is all there is, and nothing remains resurrection, no reincarnation, no transformation, no metamorphosis; that is to say--these bags of salt, water (and a few hydrocarbons and genetic variations thrown in for good measure) are all that we are, and all that we ever will be, and then "poof":.
why should we refrain from whatever brings the "greatest" personal pleasure to our measured and time-limited existence?
Why should I not simply do whatever I want to do?
To those who don't have a conscience, this is exactly how they think. A rapist doesn't care that the act is illegal, they'll do it anyways. Consequences do not stop a person from doing that which they are hell bent on doing anyways. To me, the thing that prevents us from acting out like this is empathy. This is where the Golden Rule comes in, a basic concept that is echoed in all the religions of the earth. If I do not like pain inflicted on me, why would I find it appealing to inflict it on another? The fact that laws are not a deterrent to crime, but rather the punishment after comitting it, shows that we can not prevent a sick mind from acting out their most carnal of instincts, we can only hope to contain them for the greater social good. I believe in moral relativism, for the simple fact that it is true. What is commonly accepted by some is abhorrent to others. What makes it so? As NewSense said, it is what is considered normal by the community.
Needing peace and friendship
by snbdye2000 inwell the title of my subject seems a bit pathetic, but i truly am in need of friendship.
my whole life and marriage have been turned upside down with my husband "studying" with a jehovah's witness.
he hasnt done a lot of meeting with this man, but he does believe all their doctrine.
One thing I wanted to point out to you and your husband also:
The JW's do not allow you to take the wine and bread in remembrance of Jesus. Now, in my opinion, any one who truly loves Jesus would not allow a false religion to take away that which allows us to remember and worship our Lord. There are only certain folks, whom they call the "Anointed", who are allowed to partake of the emblems, and this is done once a year at the memorial. These folks have no proof that they are the chosen of God, and there are even some of the so-called "Anointed" who have been disfellowshipped, etc. You may want to ask your husband if he truly wants to reject our Lord, since their baptism requires that you devote yourself to their Organization, not to Christ. Just another snippet to bear in mind, as you both sound like you are believers in Christ. I hope this all works out for you, believe me it can be a challenge! I took communion for the first time ever this year, and it felt wonderful to be able to revere and remember our Lord, which had been denied to me my whole life. Thanks for listening,
Happy birthday "unca" Ray!!!! You rock!
by Sunnygal41 ini got a call from puter this afternoon and octavia tonite!!!!
they are both doing very well and send their love to all of you here at jwd forum!
they are happily ensconced on the side of haleakala volcano in maui.........just wanted to share that with all of you, i know you've all missed them!.
And here I thought they'd fallen from the face of the earth!!! Tell them to call me!
OMG. I Don't Think That Anyone Here Has Seen One This Big Before.
by Englishman in.
absolutely huge.
hehe! My boyfriend worked on those for 14 years, in the engine department on various container ships. He says one of these days he'll take me aboard and show one to me, that would be fun!!!!
I don't see how that's anti-semetic. It's stating that the US got pissed on by our supposed friend and ally, which is true. There's a difference between being Jewish and being Isreali. One is a nation, one is a religion. Though they are obviously intertwined, you can condemn the actions of a nation without condemning it's people.