How many people in the organization think my situation is BS but leave me to fight this battle alone?
While I am still 'in' despite knowing TTATT, not leaving others to fight the battle alone is a big reason why I'm here. I suspect this is the case for many here. You're not alone, and your situation is unfortuante, but I think some of your anger may be misplaced. I'm not staying in for friends or family, I'm staying in because I think that's my best chance to get my wife out. She's going to take a while, but if I'm going to get her out, I feel my chances are improved if she doesn't automatically mistrust anything I say about the org. I can leave at any time, but once I leave I can't go back, so I need to exhaust all the options that rely on my being 'in' before leaving.
That said, any ill treatment by anyone (especially the elders) does not go unchritisized by me. If I get booted for pointing out a lack of love, I can live with that (especially since it will only make my point for me). However, what you need to understand is that a bunch of us standing up and leaving all at once would likely benefit a very small portion of those that are still in. That would only play into the persecution complex and strengthen their resolve. Apostates leaving also plays into their ego, as it's just another person that they can elevate themselves above and make a show of how much they always disliked that person. When someone DA's the rest of the congregation doesn't think "well he was always a smart guy, maybe he's right!" they think "he was always a smart guy - it just goes to show that no one is safe from satan the devil. He must've let his ego get puffed up because he thought he was smarter than us"
Since you've never been a JW, and presumably never been in any cult, you can easily be forgiven for thinking that those still in are complicit, but the reality is much more complex than it appears (which is why cults are so dangerous and are able to grow). If you haven't already, look up some of the stuff on Steve Hassan's website (, especially the videos on the strategic interactive approach. That will be helpful to you in your efforts to help your wife to leave. Another thread that you might find useful is here:
You're angry, and rightfully so, but I suggest that you allow yourself to vent briefly, then re-focus not on hypotheticals and shoulda/woulda/coulda, but on your current situation. After a while speculation on what could've prevented it, or assigning blame to faceless masses is useless. Hopefully the information I've posted will be helpful, and I suspect it will be far more helpful to you than if I DA'd tomorrow.
Let me add one thing, I do absolutely agree with you that anyone who's actively converting others while knowing TTATT, or anyone who's an elder that mistreats others while knowing TTATT is absolutely complicit in the sins of the organization. In fact, I see anyone like that as basically the worst thing in the org. What I said above applies only to those who are trying to get out, and are no longer actively pushing the organization in any way. I myself am still a (barely) active publisher, but every door I knock on is a door that won't be knocked on by someone who'd actually go back for an RV if there's any interest. If anything, my going out helps (in a very small way) to keep them from drawing more in. Every not-at-home that I don't write down and every sign of interest that I don't follow up on is an oppurtunity that they've missed to draw another poor soul into the cult.