w63 1/15 p37-8:
"The second reason for our critical times is modern man's rejection of God's Word the Bible. Enemies such as Wellhausen and his prejudiced school of higher critics, Darwin and his evolutionists, Freud and his theories, Marx and his atheistic revolutionists-all these have played a
sinister role in destroying the guiding influence of the Bible for many; especially since so many of the clergy have adopted such worldly wisdom. . . . According to Freud, one of psychiatry's chief authorities, religion is a great illusion that man will get rid of someday. Psychiatry stresses, "Know thyself," as if an enlightened self-love is sufficient for successful living. More than ignoring God, analysts often contradict God by advising those with guilty consciences that fornication, adultery and sodomy are not wrong in themselves. The charge rightly has been made that such counsel tends to exterminate the conscience.""
w63 3/1 p149:
"There is as much confusion and disagreement among psychologists and psychiatrists as there is among Christendom's religious sects. Far better is it to know nothing of such secular wisdom than to adulterate or slight God's Word because of it"
w63 5/15 p319-20 (Questions from Readers):
"* Would it be necessary for a psychiatrist to change his profession before he would be eligible for baptism and recognition as one of Jehovah's witnesses?-R. W., United States.
No, it does not seem that this would be necessary. The fact that the Watch Tower publications have discouraged dedicated Christians consulting worldly psychiatrists except in extreme cases does not mean that a psychiatrist cannot and does not help those who consult him.
Whether a psychiatrist continued to practice his profession upon dedication or not would be entirely his decision to make. It is possible that he could be a far better psychiatrist by reason of his
now understanding and appreciating Bible principles, and especially because of his faith in Jehovah God and his dedication to do God's will. See "Scriptural Aspect of Psychosomatic Medicine," in The Watchtower, April 15, 1954, pages 232-236.
However, a dedicated Christian psychiatrist would need to be very careful not to unduly influence other Christians so that they would come to him for worldly wisdom instead of going to their overseers for heavenly wisdom. In fact, he would have to lean over backwards, as it were, so as not to imply that his psychiatry is a higher wisdom than that found in the Bible The Bible contains far better advice for making over our personalities than does either psychiatry or psychoanalysis. And only its wisdom leads to everlasting life.-1 Cor. 13:1-13; Gal. 5:19-23; Col. 3:1-25."