It amazes me how much thinking one does when you're out of the cult. I mean another thread got me thinking about the story of jesus death. So Adam breaks a little test lives for 900 plus years and then dies of natural causes. So to balance the scales a perfect man must die after being tested, yet instead of this happening jesus is submitted to grueling torture and then a horrible slow death. WHY, I MEAN REALLY, NICE DAD. I cant believe i ever took this book seriously...
Jesus Christ's horrible death
by Crazyguy 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ahh sometimes me just sits and sometimes me sits and thinks.
Yep, I like thinking.
I had forgotten how much I missed it.
Feeling is good too.
Substitute Shiva everytime you read Jesus, it makes for interesting reading.
When the scales fall off your eyes , lose the rosy coloured glasses , and see the religion for what it really is ?
JESUS CHRIST how did I ever fall for that BULLSHIT
The more you think about stuff in the bible the lousier it seems to be.
If god gave us the bible as his handbook then I hope he never assembles flat pack furniture for a living. God is a silly billy.
Great observation!
In the bible's story there is no For-Giveness then, because even God had to be bribed rather than GIVE unconditional release.
One a personal level, even Jesus in his short live had a bargain, for every hour of pain dying, he had 45 000 hours of good life, and
that is giving him credit for the "theocratic discipline" he received at the hands of his parents. and
Don't play the 'perfection' card, even so-called 'perfect persons' have to learn hard lessons, and
Be payed like, the 'perfect' God.
With science having given us painkilling methods, we can better the pain/pleasure ratio 'jesus' experienced tenfold, cheating on our payment that is still due.
for all those creatures dying in agony, the price has to be right.
Is any death not horrible? I mean we all die. I find that pretty horrible. I'm sure most of us here, when that day approaches will find it horrible.
Lots of people have died so that others could live. Why do those raging here consider them heros, but God who did the same thing is somehow evil? I suggest that what most have a problem with here is the concept of sin, rather than a loving God who takes the punishment for their sin so that death is abolished.
The whole barbaric and primative notion of a god demanding human sacrifices should have cued us in that something was fraked up.
Perry, I think I have been looking at the secret code of your posts all wrong. It was right there in front of me! You are the bird!