I would be interested in reading your books, Terry. Are they published?
i'm at starbucks .
just outside in the courtyard.. i'm trembling.
my hands are shaking.. wow!.
I would be interested in reading your books, Terry. Are they published?
please check out this you tube video on the "new donation" arrangement update.
its pretty interesting.. see link below..
I don't always agree with them but I still like them... and the important thing is they help others.
I fear they will suffer burn out at some point especially if they keep gaining subscribers and continue trying to keep up with all the e-mails. I do agree, short videos are better. For longer topics break them up into several videos instead. Because of their recent YouTube restrictions they have been doing this.
They plow the road for the rest of us... thanks MK!
i hate self-promotion.
but every time i put something out there on the internet, and then promote it, some part of me feels ashamed for drawing attention to myself.
I found your channel a couple of months ago and concider it one of the best out there. I like the way you avoid drawing attention to yourself and stick to the facts you have uncovered. My favorite playlist is your "When Ancient Jerusalem was Destroyed" which I have watch several times and have played with Sky Chart because of it. The appendix to the playlist is most informative and sets the viewer with the basics needed to comprehend the rest of the series.
Thanks for you hard work and know that I have been able to share your vids with a life long friend who is now waking up or I should say both of us at the same time!
back in the mid 1980's the ones in charge of "giving food at the proper time" actually released a book called "reasoning from the scriptures.
" although this publication supposedly used reasoning as a tool to show the truth if the truth, in reality it just served the purpose of spoon feeding the publishers as they ventured out into field service.. it wasn't until i actually used reasoning as a tool that i was able to break the shackles of the watchtower bible and tract society.. for me it was the issue of jesus selecting the watchtower society as the one and only true religion in the spring of 1919.. as i began perusing though the society's older publications, i discovered that their teaching of jesus returning in 1914 was not the firm rock of a teaching that they had long claimed.
the 01/15/1993 watchtower had this to say on page 5.. "the watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honest hearted students of bible prophecy that jesus presence in heavenly kingdom power began in 1914. events since that year testify to jesus invisible presence.".
Thanx for the OP. It is concise and to the point.
i'm thinking of scaning a letter to the boe and useing the letter head to make some fake letters and sending them to alot of congros.. it would read something like this.. "dear brothers we are writing to inform you about all the child abuse casers the wts is now in court about and the ones we have quietly settled outside the courts".
ill name them all and give them links to the courts.. .
anyother idears??.
The borg would use it to show the R&F how "mentally diseased" apostates are and it would further feed their persecution complex.
it will be interesting to see how things play out...but one example which got me to thinking about this is my mother.
my mom is a 76 year old regular pioneer (she is one of those who believes that you are "nothing" if you are not a pioneer...the position is everything)-.
i am moving in two weeks to go to grad school, so i have been trying to go out to visit...say things for her before i leave.
My parents, (78 & 75) are still active. My dad an E and my mom an auxlilary pioneer when she can. Both are pretty computer litterate and are doing pretty good especially with their iPads and iPhones. One of my family members is a wizard with tech stuff and has been able to keep them abreast of all the changes. I don't think this will slow them down at all but I do see it affecting most older ones alot.
"I just wish they would admit they are having a 100 year birthday party. In suits."
Hilarious but true.
i've never been on a website that doesn't allow you to delete your own personal messages.
why can we not do that on this site?
what are your motives in keeping our personal messages?
This is a great site just the way it is. Much help is here even though some of it my be a bit caustic. For the most part it is good for you. I have felt the full range of emotions from reading post here but isn't that the point? To help shed the MC and learn to think for ourselves? Kudos to whoever owns and maintains this site and if you make a few bucks in the process, more power to you!
so scanning through the gods kingdom rules i found this gem on page 228.. .
"in heaven, the 144,000 corulers with christ will recieve authority to share with jesus in weilding an "iron rod" of destruction against all enemies of gods kingdom.
( rev 2 26,27) then, together with powerful angels, the resurrected anointed ones will follow christ, the warrior king, as he sets out to confront the "vast army" of enemies that is closing in on its prey - jehovahs people.".
"The warrior king"...
a relation to the warrior wizzard?
first of all i want to express my sincere gratitude to atlantis and his good friends for making this 2014 book available.. ------------.
as i see it, and i am absolutely open to contradiction, the wts appears to be giving another new meaning to this generation.
this time the term means all of his anointed followers, including his immediate disciples.
The "generation" that died wandering in the wilderness for 40 years was without "overlapping" needs also.