This generation was the generation he was in. He told the disciples it would happen in his and thier lifetime. He told those standingin front of hime that some of them would still be alive when he returned in his kingdom and they (the apostles) would not finish going through all the tribes of Israel before he came back .So then he was either lieing, misleading them or it happened as he said. For me i believe in what he said and he did come back for them just as he promised.
They were all fully expecting his return. It was the last days, the last hour, close,at hand, near, etc etc in their generation. All the prophecies and revelation were about the destruction of jerusalem, the covenant and the temple. All fullfilled. The new arrangement (the kingdom) rules since in the hearts of men since
There are no dual fulfillments either. The tribulation was one time only never to be seen again according to The Messiah. His elect now rule with him in the heavens anything else since thne is counterfeit. ALL tribes nations and tongues will enter in and acknowledge the king of kings AND Lord of Lords, the name above every other name Jesus Christ. He dwells or will dwell within you if you want him , the Kingdom is within you, the truth is within you.You will never die, death has gone already,at the end of your life youwill be changed form mortal to imortal in the blink of and eye, you willnot see death the victory won in the 1st century. It cannot be seen or touched nor made by human hands or bricks and mortar, God does not dwell in man made temples he dwells within you and he will teach you the truth.There are not 2 great tribulations or 2 second comings Peace and Love