My wife is still in but has her doubts. We both were very involved when raising our kids. Not so much now. My wife would have no problem if I quit.... did that years ago right after we were married and she survived for 10yrs going without me. I was re-activated after 30 and then our family came along. She was a Regular Pioneer for over a decade while raising kids and holding down part-time work. I served as an E during this time.
A lot of sh*t started hitting the fan when our kids were in there teens. Our kids were fine but they along with us started seeing the hypocrisy and double standards practiced in the cong with other families in the lead. When standing up for what was "right" then the ostracism started. It is a long story but it just boiled down to personalities, nepotism and a bunch of drama queens. This resulted in one of our kids being disfellowshiped after seeking friends outside the KH.
Neither of us our very strong now, (me especially) due to health reasons on my wife's part and my cooling off. We have a very large family still "in" and for this reason I am proceeding cautiously. I wish to spend the rest of my days with my wife and don't want to see her stressed any more than necessary. She has never tried to force me to do anything I didn't want to and we are very open with each other. She does not trust Elders and has some doubts about JW doctrine but when it comes to Jehovah/Jesus/Bible she is as loyal as can be. We are both headed in the same direction I am just a little more advanced than her. I just want her to make up her own mind without feeling any pressure from me.
The biggest thing I see in all this is letting your children get baptized. If I had it to do over again and they insisted, I would tell them that they cannot get baptized until they are out on their own. At least then they might have a more balanced view of what they might be getting into.
(the "never grow old in this system" class)... lol for focus