Stupid paragraph in this weekends wt study

by stuckinarut2 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    How's these comments in this weeks study?

    “I understood that I had neglected my children when they most needed my guidance and affection,” admits Eduardo. “I had not been there to read them Bible stories, to pray with them, to cuddle them, and to play with them.” (Deut. 6:7)”

    Yes because the father worked away from home, his kids missed out on having cruel, violent, sexist, fairy tails read to them each night! Oh poor children...

    “Papa promised never to leave us again, and he didn’t. If he had, I probably wouldn’t be in Jehovah’s organization today.”

    So poor kid was forced into the faith, and had no chance to develop their own thinking skills!

    WATCHTOWER. “The Watchtower, April 15, 2014.”

  • skin

    What a far fetched conclusion that kid come up with. I have know plenty of witness kid that were brought up with parents doing all the WT stuff and today most are not in jehovahs organization.

  • HeyThere

    Lol. I was somewhat disappointed that Ed didn't fess up to a homosexual affair while working abroad, just to tie in last week's meat at the proper time.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    ....or that the kids were having incestuous relationships in his absence.

    Ironically, reading Bible stories to the kids would include stories about incest.

  • stuckinarut2

    How true!

  • stuckinarut2

    Now they are saying:

    "For the first two years, we barely got by,” Eduardo recalls. “My funds were dwindling, my meager income did not always cover expenses, and I was physically tired. But we could attend all the meetings and go in service together.”

    “I now make less than 10 percent of what I made overseas,” Eduardo says, “but we don’t go hungry. ‘The hand of Jehovah is not short.’ In fact, we decided to pioneer”

    oh man! Work harder, in garbage jobs, don't do anything to better your families circumstances, and then pioneer....but don't forget to still donate to gods organisation!

  • HeyThere

    Oh yes, the bible is chock full of stories for children... sex, rape, murder, monsters...well, I guess there are talking animals so there's that

  • HeyThere

    Oooh ooh I know!!!!! The perfect bed time story was when the whole entire town wanted to gang rape the angels!!!!

  • steve2

    There must be truly loyal Witness parents who jointly raised their children and who were there for their children at all times who will feel at least a tad of resentment at the suggestion in that article that full time parenting ensures your children remain in the organization when their own children did not. My own parents, for example. I'd love them to have lived long enough to have been exposed to the simplistic, smug sentiments in the article.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "my meager income did not always cover expenses, and I was physically tired.... The hand of Jehovah is not short."

    Sounds like the hand of Jehovah is short. What expenses were they not always able to cover. Healthcare? Heat? Rent?

    Was there no mention of assistance from their fellow believers? Were these JWs going to the food pantry in the Methodist Church in order to feed the kids?

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