JoinedPosts by insidetheKH
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@magnum i understand what you mean but i consider other family connections not as born ins and so also result of witnessing/preaching work -
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@data dog
we are talking about facts! JW's are humans not rabbits
average human death rates and birth rates are known
the actual growth of average no. of publishers between 2004 and 2014 is also known, like i said 1.9 million
you can do the math.
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@village i became a witness myself in 2009 through door to door work. One older lady (56 years old), a cathloic, became a biblestudent because of my witnessing work, she is attending weekly meetings and actively participating in the WT study and is making progress towards baptism.
She was one of those on my monthly magazine route. The first time that i visited her was in the summer of 2013. At that time she was very opposed to JW's and her house was litterally full of Maria and Saint statues. She had drawers full of icons and rosaries.
Every time i was patient and friendly and we had a short conversation. After twelve months or so she became more receptive. i often asked her about her catholic services and sermons. And asked her if she would be interested to hear a public talk on mp3.
She said yes. She was impressed by the public talk. The subject was honesty. She said... 'It was really about the bible!' and decided to type the whole talk on her laptop. Not long after that she agreed to visit a KH once. She was amazed how she was welcomed by everyone and how much the bible was used during the talk and that all people were really reading and studying and that even youngsters and kids were participating and that everyone knew eachothers names. And there was no one asking for money
few months later she had thrown all the maria/holy stuff out.... removed the icons from the frames and replaced with family pictures and wrote herself out of the catholic administration.
Now she is coming every sunday , is a weekly biblestudent. Another married couple (both members of an evangelical church) are bible students. I also met them through door to door work. And a younger man is studying with me but i met him through informal witnessing
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@village this thread is about growth and the question if the new ones are born ins or came through the witnessing work.
Anyone who can do math can figure out that the majority of growth comes from the witnessing work, It's very simple. Local or regional situations do not matter.
let me give you an example.
lets assume that in the last 10 years JW's got 800,000 babies and that they all became publishers (the real nr of babies is far less cause this number is based on 8 million publishers).
and lets assume that during the same decade 500,000 JW's died and that 400,000 were df'd or da'd
compare that with the actual growth over 10 years. around 2004 there were about 6 million average publishers. in 2014 there were about 7.9 million average publishers.
so that is +1.9 million.
Its obvious this cant come from births. They are (assuming that 100% of those kids become publishers) barely enough to keep up with death rate and nr of df'd/da'd ones.
conclusion the majority of new members comes from outside of the organisation
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@Outlaw it is not a lie. it is what JW's are supposed to believe. Look it up in the study watchtower of this coming weekend. -
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@DD if you read what i wrote you would have known that i did not tell that local experience as a basis for proof.
On the contrary i showed it only to make clear to @Village that local examples can't be extrapolated to the rest of the world.
if we talk about growth lets stick to the facts. The facts are clear... growth rates,,.. birth rates.. death rates etc etc
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@outlaw this discussion is about growth not about pinocchio.
and the growth continues as we speak,.. only 27 weeks to go to 8.4 million publishers.
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@village at this moment most growth is indeed in latin/south america, africa, asia. And indeed there is still growth in the US and some other western countries. But also the situation in western countries we should see in the right perspective. The last 5 decades Europe/U.S are becoming secular at high speed. Church attendance and membership is dropping ultrafast. Churches are closing down etc etc. In that kind of environment JW's hold ground or even manage to grow slightly. That on itself is significant.
Informal witnessing is a great way too. But lets not forget that JW's do not believe that they'll have to convert people. They just give a witness and believe that it is Jehovah who makes sure the desireable things of the nations will find their way into the kingdom halls.
Is the preaching work, no longer the number 1 priority?
by ToesUp ini have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@village we should never extrapolate our own experience in a local kingdom hall to the rest of the world. But just look at the bigger picture, results and statistics over the years.
based on that we can make a fair conclusion that there is growth and that for the most part this growth comes from outsiders and not born ins.
average annual death rate 0.8%
average annual nr of df'd/da'd 0.4%
average annual birth rate 1.5% (at most as explained above, but probably less. Besides that how many of them will eventually become a JW?)
average annual growth rate (for lets say the last decade) more than 2%
Talking about personal experiences. The congregation i am in (this is my fourth year in this congregation) baptised during that period 5 persons. All of them were not born ins and were recruited through the preaching work. None of them is 'mentally unstable'. Also added are 3 unbaptised publishers, also no born ins and brought in via the preaching work. One of them will be baptised this summer at the district convention.
I live in a highly secular western society. People here have high incomes and high levels of education. I just tell this to show that personal experiences at a local kingdom hall won't show any of us the big picture.