prologos: Thank you for correct me. I am not a native in English, but I will not forget my mistake.
JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
There will NEVER be another World Power. The end is near.
by defender of truth in"grace.
san francisco bay area.
posted 22 march 2013 - 08:14 pm.
There will NEVER be another World Power. The end is near.
by defender of truth in"grace.
san francisco bay area.
posted 22 march 2013 - 08:14 pm.
The Watchtower relies on Daniel's prophecy which states that the kingdom of God will destroy the fingers of an image seen by Nebuchadnezzar. However, the book of Daniel is a forgery of the second century BCE. That should have happened during Antiochus time.
19 says that the Bible knew that the earth was suspended in empty space
by opusdei1972 in"the earth is suspended in empty space.
(job 26:7) many ancient peoples believed that the world was a flat disk supported by a giant or an animal, such as a buffalo or a turtle.".
Yes, that is the actual picture which depicts how ancient Jews understood the universe. However, the Watchtower does not admit it.
19 says that the Bible knew that the earth was suspended in empty space
by opusdei1972 in"the earth is suspended in empty space.
(job 26:7) many ancient peoples believed that the world was a flat disk supported by a giant or an animal, such as a buffalo or a turtle.".
certaintly the Flood's account is based on a babilonian myth, which could also be a copy of that of the Hindu mythology (in case of the Hindu civilization be the oldest one).
I have a book in Spanish of an ex-catholic priest who compares the Jewish version of the Flood (in Genesis) with that of the Hindu Mythology and I was impressed by the similarities. So I believe that there was actually a local flood in ancient times, then it inspired the legend, which was theologicaly reconfigured by Jewish scribes, as Witnesses in the writing department do with their stories.
I will read your old threads, thank you.
19 says that the Bible knew that the earth was suspended in empty space
by opusdei1972 in"the earth is suspended in empty space.
(job 26:7) many ancient peoples believed that the world was a flat disk supported by a giant or an animal, such as a buffalo or a turtle.".
This is what says :
"The earth is suspended in empty space. (Job 26:7) Many ancient peoples believed that the world was a flat disk supported by a giant or an animal, such as a buffalo or a turtle."
I think is missing something. I don't think that Jews believed that the earth was an sphere suspended in empty space.
Biblical Black & White Proof that The Watchtower is Apostate
by objectivetruth ini recently sent this to a former friend that called me an apostate.. it's really straight forward, and there is really no way to get around it for the watchtower.
(not that the bible matters to witnesses, but it's good info).
- apostasy.. that's an interesting term, do you know when it was first used in the new testament?.
Very interesting point. I will do my own research about that. But, if that was the case, may it was because no Jewish christian knew any governing body. May be they did not think that the apostles were divine authorities as the current members of governing body in Brooklyn think they are.
Another possibility is that for jewish christians, the Law of Moses was more authoritative than the apostles. Furthermore, early christians were not so organized.
How The Bible Was Invented - 3. Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:1b-13)
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inthe oldest hebrew in the bible is contained in two songs.. .
the song of the sea.
(exodus 15) and the song of deborah (judges 5).
How Yahweh emerged is a mystery. It seems clear that the people of Israel believed that there were other true gods besides Yahweh, because they sing "Who is like you, Yahweh, among the gods?".
Was not Asherah his wife?....and why did Elijah kill Baal's priests but not those of Asherah?
Were Jonathan and Phinehas in the time of Samuel?
by opusdei1972 ini have read in a past post of leolaia the following words:.
"the grandsons of moses and aaron (jonathan and phinehas) were depicted as still alive in the time of samuel".
where in the bible i can find the above statement??.
"See their ludicrous and often hilarious two volume work "Insight on the Scriptures"."
Yes, I have read some appologetic arguments in the Insight book about the lack of archaeological findings to substantiate the Exodus' account. However, I have only read excuses.
In the past I ignored these problems, because I thought that the Bible was infalible and inerrant. Now I am noticing that there are many problems to prove the historicity of the accounts given in the first five books of the Bible.
Were Jonathan and Phinehas in the time of Samuel?
by opusdei1972 ini have read in a past post of leolaia the following words:.
"the grandsons of moses and aaron (jonathan and phinehas) were depicted as still alive in the time of samuel".
where in the bible i can find the above statement??.
Here is where Leolaia wrote that:
Were Jonathan and Phinehas in the time of Samuel?
by opusdei1972 ini have read in a past post of leolaia the following words:.
"the grandsons of moses and aaron (jonathan and phinehas) were depicted as still alive in the time of samuel".
where in the bible i can find the above statement??.
Ok, this seems to be one the verses:
"After that the Dan′ites set up the carved image for themselves, and Jon′a·than the son of Ger′shom, the son of Moses, and his sons became priests to the tribe of the Dan′ites until the day that the inhabitants of the land went into exile. "(Judges 18:30)
However, due to my ignorance, I still don't understand why the allusion of the grandson of Moses (Jonathan) in the above verse suggest that he lived in the time Samuel. Samuel lived before the year 1000 BCE, and the above verse seems to be located chronologicaly after the time of Samson. So, if the time after Samson's death is close to Samuel's time, it would mean that the grandson of Moses lived around 1100 BCE?....if so, the Exodus could not happen around the year 1500 BCE, because the grandson of Moses could not be alive around the year 1100 BCE.
Am I right???
Any thoughts???