Crazyguy Thank you for the link. ... So, as you know, if Hemopure comes from the blood of cows, the Society will continue to violate its concept of sacredness of blood, according to its original arguments. Indeed, this doctrine is a mess.
JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
May be the Society has received many questions about why a fraction is permitted but other is banned, and the GB can't explain it by any logical argument. So they decided to keep quite.
Genesis and the Babylonian kings list.
by Crazyguy inthe babylonians believed that the gods were immortal then they had offspring that were demigods and then they had humans so the first two of the list are different than the genesis writer wrote in chapter 5. this is how the names are translated.. babylonian kings list, genesis chapter 5.
1. aruru=a god 1. adam=man.
2. adapa= demigod 2. seth=gift of god.
I have read the Flood's account according to an Hindu Legend, it is very similar of that of Genesis. So I wonder if it was written before the babilonians.
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
Good point Crazyguy, ....the elders told her that may be they will visit her the next sunday. May be to anounce her that she will be disfellowshipped for apostasy. Who knows?
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
I don't know how these elders got those arguments, may be by personal study or may be they asked the CO, but I am sure that, currently, the Society would not publish these stupid arguments in favor to the blood ban. Although, who knows??
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
Yes, "The elders give a horrible answer", but they used the Old Testament to justify these absurdities. So, they are not shocked if a babie have to die for the Watchtower theology, because people have to die for the teachings of the slave of Jehovah, no matter how wrong this slave is. This is what the Old Testament teaches: violence in the name of God. These elders are following these paranoic advices:
the direction that you receive from Jehovah’s organization may seem strange or unusual. But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not, because obeying these instructions will save our lives.(w13 11/15, "Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today", paragraph 17)
Althought I am noticing that this paragraph has changed (that was not its original version), this still shows that Witnesses would have to kill if the instructions of the Governing Body were of such kind. This is very dangerous.
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
Some days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
This time she prepared notes containing Watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
For instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of Awake, September 8). However, she remarked that now it is permitted. Also, in 1975 "clotting factors" were banned for hemophiliac witnesses (see Awake, February 22, 1975), but three years later, in 1978, these "clotting factors" were permitted. So my sister asked them: what about those brothers who died while those blood fractions were banned?. So, the elders told her that the light gets brighter for Jehovah's people. And about those who died for those changes, they said that Jehovah let his people die in His Holy Wars (during the days of the ancient Israel), so we shouldn't be surprised for that. Of course, she disagreed, then she asked: why can't we donate blood if some fractions coming from worldly donors are permitted?. The elders quoted the following verse:
"You shall not eat anything that dies of itself; you may give it to aliens residing in your towns for them to eat, or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. "(Deut 14:21)
So, the elders told that according to the above verse, witnesses, as people of God, can accept some blood fractions donated from worldly people, but they can't donate because witnesses have to respect the sacredness of blood. Again, my sister told them that we are not under the Law of Moses, but they replied that some principles remain.
Then my sister talked about other shocking issues, but they reminded her that she accepted the Organization, as spirit-directed, in one of the questions of her baptism, so she replied that she was baptized in 1975, not after 1985 when the formula of the baptism changed.
Well, now I want to give my comment. Do you note how lovely and just is the God of the Watchtower? I am impressed. This God lets babies die in hospitals on account of His blood ban, because He did the same with both israelite and pagan babies in His Holy Wars. This God forbids to donate blood but He lets witnesses to use some blood fractions which come from pagan donors. So, this God is biased and unjust, and the elders are very happy for that !!.
In the past I regarded Marcion of Sinope, as an apostate. However, currently, I am understanding why he did what he did. How dangerous is the Bible when we regard every word in it as the word of God !. -
Solomon's Temple was there one??
by Crazyguy inits interesting to find out that there is no evidence of king david or his son solomon.
what about this amazing temple that solomon supposedly built??
there is no arcylogical evidence that it ever excisted either.
Vidqun : I don't think that every Bible account is a myth. However, I do believe that Jewish scribes exagerated many things and coppied and reconfigured some legends.
Solomon's Temple was there one??
by Crazyguy inits interesting to find out that there is no evidence of king david or his son solomon.
what about this amazing temple that solomon supposedly built??
there is no arcylogical evidence that it ever excisted either.
We can't know if there was a Solomon Temple while Muslims forbid to do excavations in the area of the Dome of the Rock.
The problems Bible believers have with Atheists is the burden of proof is on the Believer and we just do not have enough proof.
by booker-t ini recently posted a post telling this board my athesit coworker stumped me with questions about the validity of the ark story and i just cannot stop talking to her.
i love hearing her side and point of view which in the past i would have dismissed as "satanic" thinking.
she has some very good questions and i am having a hard time answering them.
I first questioned the Watchtower's teachings because it contradicts the Bible. Then I began to understand that one of the causes of christian divisions is the fact that the Bible is a mess. So, the contradictions in the Bible are the source of the problem.