millie210 I would like to read the answers of those witness Apologists who read the posts of this forum.
JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
Question for Jehovah's Witnesses: Can you ask for the aid of the holy spirit?
by opusdei1972 inthere are interesting claims in the watctower, august 2014:.
2 today, jehovah guides his people by means of the bible, his holy spirit, and the congregation.
(acts 9:31; 15:28; 2 tim.
Question for Jehovah's Witnesses: Can you ask for the aid of the holy spirit?
by opusdei1972 inthere are interesting claims in the watctower, august 2014:.
2 today, jehovah guides his people by means of the bible, his holy spirit, and the congregation.
(acts 9:31; 15:28; 2 tim.
I am not trying to make sense, they have to....
Question for Jehovah's Witnesses: Can you ask for the aid of the holy spirit?
by opusdei1972 inthere are interesting claims in the watctower, august 2014:.
2 today, jehovah guides his people by means of the bible, his holy spirit, and the congregation.
(acts 9:31; 15:28; 2 tim.
There are interesting claims in the Watctower, August 2014:
2 Today, Jehovah guides his people by means of the Bible, his holy spirit, and the congregation. (Acts 9:31; 15:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17) The guidance that we receive from him is so clear that it is as if ‘our own ears hear a word behind us saying: “This is the way. Walk in it.”’ (Isa. 30:21) In effect, Jesus also conveys Jehovah’s voice to us as he directs the congregation through “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45) We need to take this guidance and direction seriously, for our everlasting life depends on our obedience.—Heb. 5:9. (w14 8/15, article : "Hear Jehovah’s Voice Wherever You Are", paragraph 2.)
Note that the governing body says that Jesus conveys Jehovah's voice through the faithful and discreet slave. When did Jesus appoint his faithful and discreet slave?. According to the recent new light, it was in 1919:
"In 1919, a time of spiritual revival, Jesus selected capable anointed brothers from among them to be the faithful and discreet slave and appointed them over his domestics."(w13 7/15, article: “Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?”, paragraph 12.)
Now, let's continue to reading paragraph 16:
16 Although Jehovah makes his counsel freely available, he does not force anyone to follow it. We need to ask for his holy spirit, and he will give it to us generously. (Read Luke 11:10-13.) It is essential, though, that we ‘pay attention to how we listen.’ (Luke 8:18) For example, it would be hypocritical to ask Jehovah for help to overcome an inclination toward immorality while continuing to look at pornography or watch immoral movies. We actually need to put ourselves in places or circumstances where Jehovah’s spirit is. We know that his spirit is at the congregation meetings. Many servants of Jehovah have avoided disaster by listening to Jehovah during our meetings. As a result, they have become aware of wrong desires developing in their heart and have corrected their ways.—Ps. 73:12-17; 143:10. (w14 8/15, article : "Hear Jehovah’s Voice Wherever You Are", paragraph 16.)
Interestingly, the faithful and discreet slave says that we need to ask for God's holy spirit in order to have Jehovah's counsel available. However, the faithful and discreet slave said that the holy spirit ceased to function since 1918:
“But when the Lord Jesus comes to his temple and gathers his approved ones into the temple, is there any further need for the office of the holy spirit as a helper and advocate? If not, then the advocacy of the holy spirit would there cease. Jesus, being in the temple and with his chosen ones, would act for them directly.” (Watchtower, September 1, 1930 p. 263)
“It would seem that there would be no necessity for the ‘servant’ to have an advocate such as the holy spirit, because the ‘servant’ to have an advocate is in direct communication with Jehovah and as Jehovah’s instrument, and Christ Jesus acts for the entire body.” (p. 263)
“‘The servant’ is anointed to do a specific work. ‘The servant’ is made up of Christ Jesus the Head, the resurrected saints, and the called and chosen ones on the earth who have been brought into the temple and who have entered into the joy of the Lord. Individually those of the remnant on earth must have their standing before God in the beloved One Christ Jesus, and the beloved One is their advocate. Being in the temple, however, there would seem to be no good reason why there should be an advocacy in their behalf by the holy spirit, since the Lord is now with them.” (p. 263)
“When the temple class is gathered the administration of the holy spirit as an advocate, it seems, would be at an end.” (p. 263)
“The holy spirit that had been the guide of God’s people, having performed its functions, was taken away, and the Lord Jesus himself, being present, represented his people and advocated in their behalf before Jehovah God, that is, in behalf of those who had fallen into distress because of their failure to properly use their lips in proclaiming the truth.” (Salvation, 1939 p. 217)
So, we have a big contradiction here. If Christ appointed his "faithful and discreet slave" in 1919, the current "faithful and discreet slave" is an apostate. Because this modern slave is telling us that Jehovah's spirit "is at the congregation meetings", but if it was taken away in 1918, how could it be?. -
Blood, Vaccines and Organ Transplants
by Lee Elder inthe database still needs updating but that can bedone later.
if there are any important earlier quotesi have missed, please let me know. lee
“The Journal of the A. M. A. is the vilest sheet that passes the United States mail…. Nothing new and useful in therapeutics escapes its unqualified condemnation. Its attacks are generally ad hominem. Its editorial columns are largely devoted to character assassination…. Its editor [Morris Fishbein] is of the type of Jew that crucified Jesus Christ.”-
The Golden Age, September 26, 1934
I did not know this quote. It shows a clear antisemitism.
The Editor of the Golden Age, Clayton Woodworth, was more than excentric.
My First Post!
by NoMoreHustle ini won't be lengthy on this.
i have been in the org for about 20yrs.
now & woke up about 2yrs ago.
NoMoreHustle I was baptized in 1993, but 3 years ago I left the cult. So, the good news are that you realized that the Society preaches A BIG LIE.
For Bible believers-Inspired Bible?
by JWdaughter inone issue i have with declaring the bible an entirely inspired work from god is the bit in the ot about killing girls who were "proven"to not be virgins on their wedding night-by stoning them.
the absence of blood on the sheet or cloak was considered entirely valid proof that they were immoral and so they were to be stoned.. that is scientifically invalid.
not all girls bleed when they lose their virginity-in fact, the more skilled the partner, the less likely that they will bleed at all.
I think the problem is not if we have 100% the original words. Most scholars agree that we may know 90% of the originals. For instance, what we currently know of Isaiah and Daniel is just the same of those who lived in Qumran before Christ. So, my opinion is that the main problems are in the Bible itself, in its theological inconcistencies, in its historical inaccuracies and in its false prophecies.
For Bible believers-Inspired Bible?
by JWdaughter inone issue i have with declaring the bible an entirely inspired work from god is the bit in the ot about killing girls who were "proven"to not be virgins on their wedding night-by stoning them.
the absence of blood on the sheet or cloak was considered entirely valid proof that they were immoral and so they were to be stoned.. that is scientifically invalid.
not all girls bleed when they lose their virginity-in fact, the more skilled the partner, the less likely that they will bleed at all.
I believe that Moses was a historical person who came from Egypt as those of the tribe of Levi with egyptian names, may be around 1200 BCE. But all the stuff about the Exodus was a legend taken from many different facts which happened at different times in the second millennium BCE. I don't think that Moses was totaly an invention, but during Josiah's reign his legendary acts took a final form in writing, and many laws were attributed to him.
some thing to consider for bible believers
by Crazyguy inthe oldest in tact bible found is the codex voronicus, (miss spelled) and the oldest writings ever found were the greek septuagint written by jews in alexandria.
both of these collections of writings included the apocryphal and other writings like chapters and other verses of daniel not included in the jw bible.
so the question one must ask, is if your a bible believer how can you just throw out these writings, because reading these additional writings will change your understanding of what you have learned?.
objectivetruth The Oldest part is the book of the Watchers. It seems that it was written in the third century BCE. Of course, it could have suffered of interpolations. But as you noticed, it could be the source of many doctrines and concepts. For instance, the names of the Archangels, the concept of "son of man". I wonder why the book was totaly rejected, if it was considered as scripture in the second century.
For Bible believers-Inspired Bible?
by JWdaughter inone issue i have with declaring the bible an entirely inspired work from god is the bit in the ot about killing girls who were "proven"to not be virgins on their wedding night-by stoning them.
the absence of blood on the sheet or cloak was considered entirely valid proof that they were immoral and so they were to be stoned.. that is scientifically invalid.
not all girls bleed when they lose their virginity-in fact, the more skilled the partner, the less likely that they will bleed at all.
There was no inspiration. This was a false religion.
some thing to consider for bible believers
by Crazyguy inthe oldest in tact bible found is the codex voronicus, (miss spelled) and the oldest writings ever found were the greek septuagint written by jews in alexandria.
both of these collections of writings included the apocryphal and other writings like chapters and other verses of daniel not included in the jw bible.
so the question one must ask, is if your a bible believer how can you just throw out these writings, because reading these additional writings will change your understanding of what you have learned?.
I think we must include the book of Enoch in the Catholic Bible (as well as other books). The book of Enoch is quoted by Jude and 2 Peter. However, Jehovah's Witnesses follow the Protestant's canon. Note how they argue against the Apocrypha in the Insight Book vol. 1 (it-1 pp. 120-125):
The internal evidence of these Apocryphal writings weighs even more heavily against their canonicity than does the external. They are completely lacking in the prophetic element.
Ohhh, really?, Was not the book of Enoch prophetic? What about the false prophecies of Ezekiel against Tyre and Egypt ?
Their contents and teachings at times contradict those of the canonical books and are also contradictory within themselves. They are rife with historical and geographic inaccuracies and anachronisms.
Ohh, really?....What about the geographic inaccuracies in Mark?, What about the many contradictions found in the entire canonical books of the Bible? see some of them here :
The writers in some cases are guilty of dishonesty in falsely representing their works as those of earlier inspired writers.
OOOhhh, was the writer of the book of Daniel honest with his identity? How could he tell us that the son of Nabuchadnezzar was Belshazzar? The Jewish Encyclopedia says: "Nor would a contemporary of Nebuchadnezzar and his successors have written the stories of the Book of Daniel in the form in which they exist, since they contain many details that can not be harmonized with the data furnished in other historical sources."
The Watchtower shows its great ignorance.