I really hate the fact that my taxes go to subsidise them. I really, really hate that my taxes go to subsidise them with so little transparency in what exactly it is spent on which justifies a 'charitable' gift aid top-up.
Question which intrigues me is what makes them choose to funnel things into IBSA over WBTS when they do that. IBSA's stated aims are not those given in that brochure. IBSA's stated aims are printing, providing literature and arranging conventions.They make minor charitable gifts according to their accounts, but £1.7m last year (of which £1.6m was cash to 'Europe') when taking in £22.5m. They're not fibbing as such, IBSA's MoA is a carte blanche really, but it just strikes me as odd that they're funneling cash into what primarily is the printing arm. But then IBSA is also where they tuck away other stuff too (eg information handling registration).
And these sort of little leaflets aren't new in Britain. The Gift Aid is something they really, really, really like. I remember seeing similar 20 years or so ago.