The question Russell is answering, which is just before that quoted by JWFacts, gives a good indication of the views even back in 1910 (which is the date given to this question and answer) to higher education.
To what extent should
the Truth people, Bible Students, educate their children,
knowing the shortness of the time between now and the time
of trouble, for instance, and also in view of the fact that in
any higher education there is a tendency toward infidelitv,
higher criticism and agnosticism?
Will paste the full answer to that question too (I've edited Russell's views on teaching children music out).
My thought, dear friends, would be that the
majority of children would be better off if they would not go
beyond, or much beyond, a common school education. I do
not know of a college anywhere that would really do them
any good. I remind you of a young man who came from
India. His father was a native of India and had embraced
Christianity, and, according to this son, his father was a
genuine Christian, and so this young man was very anxious to
come to America and get his education. Apparently his father
was connected with the Methodist Church Mission in India.
At all events, the young man sought out a Methodist college
here. Not having great means, he worked his way through
college, and in the four years that he spent in getting his
education he lost every bit of his Christianity, and every bit of
his faith in the Bible, and was turned out, graduated from a
Methodist college, a higher critic, a total unbeliever. That
young man subsequently was met by one of the Bible
students, and it was suggested he attend one of the
conventions. He said he did not have the money to spare.
The party gave him the money for his expenses. He attended
and was considerably interested, but not convinced, because
he had lost his faith to such a degree. It was suggested that he
should study further, and that he should study the six volumes
of SCRIPTURE STUDIES. He went through the six
volumes, and at the completion said that he rejoiced that he
had found God and the Bible again, and the Lord Jesus Christ
as his savior. He is back again in India, preaching Christ
there, and preaching him from the true standpoint. Now I
would not run the risk with any child I loved--and I would
love any child of mine, I am sure; every parent ought to love
his children--I would not want to do for that child anything
that would result in the loss of the best thing he has--his faith.
It would not be with my consent that my child would go even
through the high school, because you will find the same
higher criticism now even in the ordinary high schools, and
not merely in the colleges. They have these so-called
scientific text books, about man having been a monkey and
dropping his tail, etc.
The same arguments really which they've rehashed ever since. You'll learn evolution at university! (Actually not so true - I didn't have a single class on evolution. But then I didn't read biology...). The end is coming! etc etc etc.