Think much depends on how much has actually seeped through into the JW mindset.
O'Brien could sit there, having prepared and with full knowledge of what had happened in the previous days, and still think that the issue was they've not printed the right book. They have no desire to accept any accountability or responsibility. McClellan made the point that "if you place yourself in a position to care for others and then fail, then consequences follow", but the WBTS is quite convinced that this isn't their problem. They even tried to argue that the commission was operating outside its remit because many of the cases of abuse occurred within families who just happened to be JWs. (This is in the letter exchanges related to the analysis of the WBTS' files). In other countries, they've already shown that they aren't even keen on accepting responsibility for the actions of ministerial servants and elders. McClellan seemed astounded that, in spite of months of work and discussion which they were invited to share in, the WBTS had not considered for one second how they would handle redress. But if they feel they have no responsibility, then there would be no redress. Can you imagine trying to meet a WT definition of a 'fair and just' claim even should they ever set up a fund? The organisation which specifically tells branches not to make it known their funding can be used to help publishers with things like medical expenses? Which takes the insurance premiums once paid by others but doesn't take out the external insurance and tries to persuade those supposedly covered never to claim?
I think that's the key issue for Jackson's testimony. All their publications shunt responsibility, whatever the circumstances, onto the parents. If he doesn't get that he does have a responsibility for a lot more than offering crap advice based on a pick and mix approach to how to read the bible, then it's not going to end well for him on the stand. But to accept that responsibility will be to explode any idea of this being something to handwave away as apostate lies or false media stories. I shall enjoy watching him twist because these ******* will accept the authority to inform a man he can't wear tight trousers but not their responsibility to prevent further harm to an abused child or woman when they come to know of it.