Wrote something elsewhere, but this prophecy was one of Rutherford's initial explanations for how there could be an anointed class and a great crowd (Jehu class and Jehonadab class).
Changing it to an 'end of times' prophecy makes even less sense, using JW beliefs, because now the anointed are passive observers to a 'marking'. The idea that those marked are active JWs becomes even more ridiculous when you realise none of those marked are even outside of Jerusalem (which was once considered Christendom) nor doing much more than 'groaning' about conditions.
The logical conclusion to the new interpretation is that you don't have to be an active JW, just unhappy with how the world is, to be marked. They try to deny that in their new interpretation but there's absolutely nothing in Ezekiel 9 to suggest that those 'marked' do anything but get 'marked'. And you have to wonder how this latter day Ezekiel is outside of events in Jerusalem without a rapture style event.
This is the problem they have with picking apart Russell and Rutherford. They're relying on the 'sheep' being too dim, or too fearful, to point out how it's all falling apart. But if you're still inside and believing, you bought overlapping generations so...