JoinedPosts by wifibandit
September 7, 2017 Re: Donations for Disaster Relief Work
by wifibandit inseptember 7, 2017 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: donations for disaster relief work.
GB Samuel Herd on "Angels and Women"
by freetosee ini find it interesting that samuel herd (as co) promoted the book angels and women in his talk "fear of giants".
he called it a fascinating book, once you pick it up you cant put it down without reading it from cover to cover!
he also mentions that russell wrote the foreword of the book and that it can be found in the gilead library.. .
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
Collection of this letter in other Languages & Branches
August 31, 2017 BOE Re: Procedure for Handling Certain Cases of Wrongdoing
by wifibandit inaugust 31, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: procedure for handling certain cases of wrongdoing.
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
Good catch sir82
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
I'm surprised they have said that ks10 paragraph 19 of chapter 12 should be crossed out.
19. Child abuse is a crime. Never suggest to any-
one that they should not report an allegation
of child abuse to the police or other authorities.
If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report
the matter to the authorities or not is a personal
decision for each individual to make and that there
are no congregation sanctions for either decision. El-
ders will not criticize anyone who reports such an al-
legation to the authorities. If the victim wishes to
make a report, it is his or her absolute right to do so.
—Gal. 6:5. -
September 1, 2017 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse?
by wifibandit ini have it in spanish for now: .
1 de septiembre de 2017 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: protección de los menores contra el abuso.
please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
I have it in Spanish for now:
1 de septiembre de 2017 A LOS CUERPOS DE ANCIANOS Asunto: Protección de los menores contra el abuso
Please send this letter to me from any branch you have access to, in any language.
PM here, PM reddit or Twitter, or gmail: wifibandit1
in retrospect: RBCs vs LDCs / the hype about a lot of new construction and subsequent abrupt halt to construction
by Magnum inso, now that some time has passed, i’d like some input/thoughts/analysis/etc.
on the jw construction situation in the last few years.. first, why did they discontinue the rbc arrangement and institute the ldc arrangement?
was it for more and/or better control?
Booklet - Preparing for Child Custody Cases
by johnnyc ineveryone has been a big help in pointing me in the right direction on resources - i hope i can ask for another thing.. i am looking for the actual "scan" or "pdf" of the booklet "preparing for child custody cases".
again, thanks in advance..
They send a reminder letter each year to remind Elders of the existence of this packet. Here is the latest:
Also, Child custody is discussed in Pars. 23-25 of:
October 1, 2014 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Procedures when legal issues are involved
This whole second letter will be useful to understand their stance towards the discovery process.
Should the latest version of the Child Custody Packet be entered into evidence, please let me know. I should like to get a copy, even if it means buying one from the court.