Let them continue their futile attempt. I know one serious JW who left the JW org discouraged. Her initial spark happened when she was reading the life-story of a GB member who remarried just one year after his wife's death.
Posts by Pinku
Governing Body Worship in the WT: July 15th, 2014 issue
by Oubliette inthe july 15th, 2014 issue of the watchtower has the "life story" of gb member gerrit losch on pages 17-22.. think about it.
this losch love-fest is 6 pages of the current wt!.
that's nearly 20% of the ragazine.. is this the beginning of a series of idolatrous articles indoctrinating jws with gb worship?
Organized Social Entertainment from 08/1960 KM
by Rattigan350 inorganized social entertainment from 08/1960 km (the indoctrination for the future).
1 from one locality it is reported that there is a regular arranging of social events,not at the kingdom hall where such sociabilities are prohibited, (emphasis added) but in halls rented on the outside, and that to these events the brothers of not only one congregation but of others in the vicinity are invited.
the motive for holding these parties is set forth as being to enable particularly the young folk of the congregations to get better acquainted with one another.
Good post. All those attempt to keep the flock united and loving each other had little effect. Flock is on disillusionment!
JW stand on Philosophy is inexcusable!
by Pinku inpaul knew that torah with all its rituals and sacrifices did not originate with god (jeremiah 7:22; 8:8), hence he warned christians to guard against deceptive philosophy that would take them back to torah.
(colossians 2:8 compare 2:11, 16, 17) in view of the over-all view of the bible, there is no excuse to use the word philosophy with any negative connotation.
jws built their stand on philosophy based on this wrong (negative) use of the word philosophy found in colossians 2:8.. the greek word philosophi a means love of wisdom.
Paul knew that Torah with all its rituals and sacrifices did not originate with God (Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8), hence he warned Christians to guard against ‘deceptive’ philosophy that would take them back to Torah. (Colossians 2:8 Compare 2:11, 16, 17) In view of the over-all view of the Bible, there is no excuse to use the word philosophy with any negative connotation. JWs built their stand on philosophy based on this wrong (negative) use of the word philosophy found in Colossians 2:8.
The Greek word phi·lo·so·phi´a means “love of wisdom.” And wisdom means “fear of God.” (Psalm 111:10) Fear of God means hatred of doing wasteful things (Proverbs 8:13) and is contrasted with “licentiousness” (Proverb 10:23, 27). Thus philosophy ultimately means ‘taking delight in doing God’ will, or doing good to others without expecting anything in return.’ (Psalm 112:1; Mathew 5:44-48) This is nothing but sheer common sense! Everyone knows he is an individual (means indivisible) as he came FROM GOD, through his parents.In between there is no separation, as neither anyone authored his birth nor his parents authored their children’s birth. Hence all are individuals, indivisible (indivisible part of WHOLE); hence have no reason to hate another or put one’s interest above the other. This is what Socrates meant when he said “know yourself” which he called “the highest knowledge.” This is the essence of philosophy which is synonym with “taking delight in the welfare of all.”
On the contrary, not being philosophic costs us very dearly. If you feel you are separated (divisible), you may ultimately feel self-important, which would make your desires intense. If met with obstacle, such intense desire becomes anger, and if fulfilled such desire becomes greed, and make you feel more self-important. And cycle of never-fulfilling chase repeats with more force!
Ironically, JWs not only feel separated, but take delight in such separation and that too to the extent of taking delight even in shunning those who disagree with them!
More friction with jw wife regarding moms bday bbq.
by marriedtoajw inthe wife is starting to pull away from my family.
its my fault but i couldnt help it.
my fault because for years my sistets were indifferent to my wifes jwness.
Enjoy your celebration of birthday (human birth is a great wonder that has no parallel, hence day to be celebrated--it only honors the God who designed such a great marvel). If wife does't want to join your celebration, it's her choice, her loss!
SHOCKING elder's talk: "..when we are baptized we abdicate all responsibility to think for ourselves.."
by yadda yadda 2 ini found this recorded elder's talk (presumably genuine) quite disturbing in how he states that in order to maintain unity, jw's have given up thinking for themselves and passed over their thinking ability to the governing body.. "when you're baptized, your thinking is not your own anymore...your thinking is done for you...we carry out to the letter everything the society tells us to do..." .
his concluding statement "stop thinking for yourselves!".
there's the usual reference to the korah and those who challenged moses, but "you in the congregation are safe as long as you don't speak out against the elders and jehovah's organisation...".
Whether the instrument is genuine or not, the principle relfected in the talk is genuine. For example, you begin to think differently on some topic, the shepherds will try to help you to revert--often using the terms such as "we don't think for yourself, or take decision for you, ultimately decision is yours." Yet they won't tolerate if the counselled one is unwilling to change his thinking. What does it mean? You are not allowed to think!
Is this ignorance or arrogance?
by Pinku injws refrain from voting in the political elections saying politics belongs to satan (in obvious violation of bible statement that secular governments are gods minister on earthromans 13:1-6) being built on american soil, there is no reason to think that jws are ignorant of our founding fathers like benjamin franklin who wrote in his autobiography that good leadership rested on the foundation of moral and spiritual character.
he lists in it 13 virtues (such as contentment, humility ......) he valued the most which became the basis of a chart that he used daily to check his attitude and behaviors!.
he tells us that contentment is the greatest asset one can have (because you may have everything else you can dream of, yet if you do not have contentment, it is like you have nothing), yet it is something you are born with, the essential quality of your being.
JWs refrain from voting in the political elections saying politics belongs to Satan (in obvious violation of Bible statement that Secular Governments are “God’s minister” on earth—Romans 13:1-6) Being built on American soil, there is no reason to think that JWs are ignorant of our Founding Fathers like Benjamin Franklin who wrote in his Autobiography that ‘good leadership rested on the foundation of moral and spiritual character.’ He lists in it 13 virtues (such as contentment, humility ……) he valued the most which became the basis of a chart that he used daily to check his attitude and behaviors!
He tells us that contentment is the greatest asset one can have (because you may have everything else you can dream of, yet if you do not have contentment, it is like you have nothing), yet it is something you are born with, the essential quality of your being. It unfolds itself when you withdraw your dependence on the externals—persons and things! One can even increase contentment when he helps others to realize the truth about contentment. You can further deepen it, when you bring it into everything you do!
On the contrary, see for yourself what happen if you imitate the primary activity of JW org (looking for mistakes in other religions and calling them “harlots” and things like that …. you are bound to lead a miserable life (it’s also counterproductive—you look for mistakes in others because you do not have love in the first place, and when you see mistakes in others, you can’t love them either—thus it’s all about lack of love which prompted Jesus to define hypocrisy as ‘seeing the mistakes of others, not of one’s self.’ (Mathew 7:1-5)
The Worst Way of Living
by Coded Logic inthe unexamined life is not worth living.. -socrates.
holding all of humanity in contempt and degrading every achievement of mankind as being insignificant is not a philosophy or a worldview worth having.
tell me, oh self righteous jw, what was the price of your integrity?
Nice post, well-worded.
You can awaken somebody who is sleeping, but not the one who is PRETENDING to sleep!
Sorting out who you TRUST
by Terry inwho would you want writing your prescription for an important life-saving medicine, a poet or a medical scientist?.
there is an important distinction between the magisteria.. keep this rule of thumb in mind: ignorant speakers, writers and philosophers speak in general terms to hide their ignorance.
they resort to the mystification of languge.. intelligent speakers, writers and philosophers speak in specifics to reveal their wisdom.
You are wonderful. I always read your post with keen interest. Looking forward to your next post.
What you said about gravity is true! It always excites me to see its various activities--Water keeps its level always--as if in a straight line, yet it goes round when it fills the earth. If we stand on some San Diego beach, we could have actually seen, with binoculor, some Japanes beach--but we don't!
Please do not send your Elders to my house!
by Pinku inthis was the last sentence my dad wrote to gb in his letter explaining why he is disassociating from jws.
it seems gb did not send copy of the letter to the body of elders!
sometime later two elders visited him to encourage him to rethink his decision.
This was the last sentence my Dad wrote to GB in his letter explaining why he is disassociating from JWs. It seems GB did not send copy of the letter to the body of elders! Sometime later two Elders visited him to encourage him to rethink his decision. He gave them the copy of the letter addressed to GB, which in part read like this:
“It is not enough to feed others spiritually or to play with concepts spiritually. Spiritual truths have to become visible in your lives. Without virtue there is no grounding of your spirituality, no realism about what you do—but spirituality has become just a mask or a means of escape. I feel deceived by your inauthenticity. I hereby sever all ties with your organization. I believe creation is full of wonders and is God’s appointed channel capable of imparting unchanging teachings—one can pick up any number of God’s qualities being reflected in it and become spiritual. (Romans 1:20) I feel I have the approval of Jesus who said:’ Recognize the tree by its fruits.’—Mathew 7:16-20.
Please do not send your Elders to my house.”
This happened a few years back. It is interesting to know what led my Dad to take such an extreme step. He was a very staunch JW, hence was very proud when my elder sister announced her decision to join Bethel in the 90’s. After many years of Bethel service once when she came for a week’s vacation, she brought her best friend too (a middle aged sister working as a Nurse in Bethel Infirmary). We had a very nice time with her at our home. However my Dad could pick something from what he could read in between the lines of what this Bethelite said unwittingly which ultimately led him out of JW org.
She became very friendly with my Mom. In their intimate conversation, my Mom said: “You said you were witness to the death of some anointed ones in the Bethel Infirmary. You must be so privileged to see them leaving this world in a state of complete serenity!” She said: “Yes, of course, some of them were too happy to die, they were in serenity and tranquility not only in their thinking, I could see them even in every cell of their bodies. Yet a few of them were too afraid to die and had a horrible time before they breathed their last, it was as though they were seeing some fearsome visions.”
Later when my Mom related this to my Dad, it shook him very badly. Since then he began to see only the negatives in JWs. After two years he decided to disassociate. Though many advised him to quit in low profile, fading gradually, to avoid shunning, he decided to come out with a bang. He sent a letter to the GB directly (which is quoted above in part).
While he was a Disassociated one, once he boarded a public transport and sat next to a JW who happened to be a deaf and dumb in his former congregation. Seeing my Dad, this JW fellow traveler moved to another seat away from him. My Dad said to us: “This incident put a final seal on my decision to disassociate with JWs. What a powerful organization that could convince even the deaf and dumb to go barbarous!”
When my Dad died sometime back, he was a contented man, never regretted his decision!
by M*A*S*H injust looking on jw.org at an education related topic; http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201210/what-parents-can-do/.
be reasonable with regard to how much education to pursue.. as mentioned earlier, education can help prepare your child for responsible adulthood.
(genesis 2:24) but how much schooling does reaching that goal require?.
Signs of senility (nearly 120 years old), and they do not know what they are saying!